Blood and Eyeballs

January is nearly over and I’m just now working on a December post, so my memory of the details is going to be a little spotty. We had barely gotten back from the relaxing beach trip before the month’s activities hit. We took Ian shopping for his birthday present – a new bicycle, wanting to give him time to ride it before he had to leave town for the holidays.

Ian testing out his bicycle

That same day, we also went and acquired our Christmas tree! We used the same configuration as last year – reasonable sized real tree, flanked by a couple of skinny tinsel trees to give us plenty of ornament real estate. This is ironic though because we were so busy for the rest of the month, that we probably didn’t even hang half our ornaments up. I know it sounds silly, but I kind of look forward to seeing the ornaments we’ve gathered over the years, so I was little glum that I didn’t get to hang them.

At Uchiko for Sean’s birthday

On December 3rd, Sean’s birthday, Ian wound up having a birthday party to go to. Sean graciously delayed his birthday dinner by a day. We celebrated this year with dinner at Uchiko, which was divine, as always. Ian loves to order the hot rocks beef. They bring out hot stones and little slabs of raw meat. You lay the meat on the stones and let it cook briefly so it has a light sear on either side. I wound up helping with the cooking, but Ian did ALL the eating.

Maya is not a blue jeans kid. She is a leggings-with-wild-patterns kid. The uniform she was required to wear for the beginner band fall concert consisted of her band t-shirt and blue jeans, so we actually had to go purchase blue jeans for her. I took her shopping, and while it took a while, she did finally find a couple pairs she liked. Alas, she hasn’t worn them again since her concert, so maybe she didn’t like them all that much after all.

Ian and his Cub Scout den, as part of their fellowship and duty to god adventure, visited a Universal Unitarian church in town. They are an interesting group in that they don’t have a particular religion; rather they’re open to all, even humanists. I found the notion that even if you don’t have a particular faith you could still have a congregation refreshing. The kids had doughnuts afterward and the kids’ den leader promised doughnuts for good questions asked. While they may not have always asked the most relevant questions, at least they were semi-engaged and paying attention. At the end, they helped clean up a fellowship hall as their act of service.

Maya and her oboe at the winter beginner band concert

Maya’s band concert was on Wednesday. I had picked her up mid-morning to go to a doctor’s appointment. She presented with a headache, for which she refused to see the nurse for a Tylenol. It was clearly one of her very bad, feeling nauseated, needed to lie down type headaches, and I told her she didn’t have to go back to school after her appointment. She was adamant that she would not, WOULD NOT miss her concert. She relaxed after I promised that even if she went home and rested, we would take her to her concert that evening, headache or not. I don’t think her headache was entirely gone, but she performed admirably nonetheless. It’s amazing to me how far they’ve all come in just a few short months.

Blood and eyeballs cake, by special request

Ian has been very into horror themed things lately. His art is often kind of gory or spooky. He wanted to be a zombie pirate at Halloween. He sought out a bloodied up Six Flags person to have his photo taken with on a recent Fright Night trip. So when he asked for a horror-themed birthday cake, I warned him that my artistic skills probably weren’t up to snuff. We did find a cake only that we could kind of model though that looked like it had kind of a rip in it with spooky eyeballs peering out, and blood dripping down the sides. This is what we went with.

Crazy roller skating crowd

We had a roller skating party with a handful of his friends, and I couldn’t help but wonder if his cake would turn off some of the other kids and parents. Alas, no. Everyone seemed into it, and the caked turned out very nicely. We wound up letting Ian open gifts the same night he had his party – the 14th – so that there would be a little more separation between his birthday and our Texas Christmas.

The next day, we did service projects for a couple hours at Ian’s elementary school as part of his Cub Scout activities. Some kids raked leaves and tidied the grounds. Our den built soccer goals. While Ian and I were doing that, Sean and Maya went to watch her band directors perform at a concert up at Cedar Park High School as kind of a send off for some kind of competition they were entering. Maya went partly because she was offered extra credit and partly because she just enjoys things like that. I hear it was a good show, and I’m betting it was more fun than building a soccer goal.

Ian’s birthday dinner at Estancia

Ian’s birthday dinner was a couple nights later at Estancia, a Brazilian steakhouse (a churrascaria). Given Ian’s meat-eating tendencies, we figured he’d love it, and Sean and I hadn’t been to a place like that in years. The servers / gauchos wander the dining room with the most beautiful pieces of meat on skewers. Each participating diner is given a card that’s green on one side and red on the other. If your card is green, they’ll keep coming by and offering you meat till you turn your card to red. My favorite (and I think Sean’s too) is the picanha cut. Ian liked all kinds of red meat. Maya enjoyed shrimp and sausage and the extremely well-stocked salad bar.

We tried to do all the Christmas things on a very shortened cycle. We decorated a small batch of cookies. We reprised the pour-painted “planet” ornaments from our NASA trip last year to much greater success (though their paint wasn’t dry yet by travel day, so we didn’t manage to give out our grandparent gifts this year). Hopefully we’ll remember to bring them by over the summer!

Christmas trees!

We celebrated our Texas Christmas on the 18th (Ian’s actual birthday) with a pan full of Sean’s shrimp scampi. We opened gifts and tried to spend a little time enjoying them before we had to head out of town.

We flew from Austin to Memphis on Saturday morning, the 21st. We were at the airport probably 2-2.5 hours early because we figured it would be bonkers. And bonkers it was. We waited in a massive line just to check our bags. Then we waited in another line to actually turn in the bags we had checked, And then we waited in yet another giant line to get through security. They were moving us along pretty well though, so we made it to our gate with juuuuust enough time for a couple of breakfast tacos to be purchased.

It’s always a bit of a hassle getting our rental car at Memphis, and this time was no different. They didn’t have the full size car we rented but offered a midsize instead. We thought about taking it but after some examination, didn’t think we’d be able to fit our giant luggage and transfer gifts, so we held out. Eventually they cleaned a full size car well enough that we could hit the road.

Ian, Lolli, Maya, Pop

We made it to Alabama that evening without too much trouble. Unfortunately this year we wouldn’t overlap with the Jester clan’s visit, so things were a little more subdued than normal. Still, we packed in lots of fun. We went to a cabaret show one evening (think Christmas carols; nothing too risqué), which I think all of us ultimately enjoyed. Over the course of our visit, we ate at Okinawa, watched Moana 2, and played with the cats at length. Maya practiced her oboe, and Ian learned some introductory crocheting.

We drove to Missouri on Christmas Day after a lingering lunch with Lolli and Pop. The weather was good, and owing to the fact that it was Christmas Day, there wasn’t a lot of traffic, so we made good, easy time. The only tricky thing was finding food for dinner. We did eventually find something and arrived in Missouri without incident. Plus our rental car got astonishingly good gas mileage, so we didn’t even have to refuel.

Ian, Grammy, Grandpa, Maya

Our Missouri visit was good. The kids got to eat Imo’s and Hoeckeles and The Bayou. They got to go to Circle U and spend a gob of quarters on games. They met a friendly neighbor kitty and spent time with their cousins and aunts and uncles and of course their grandparents. We played Left, Right, and Center, Ian helped Grammy cook breakfast and learned to drive the side by side, and Maya serenaded the entire family with some very loud oboe music.

Our trip home was … lengthy. As we were driving to Memphis (by way of a UPS at Cape Girardeau to ship our gifts home), we kept noticing the drive time increasing. Memphis traffic was absolutely terrible. At some point, I checked to see how our flights were doing. Sadly, our first flight was going to be so epically delayed, if we were very very lucky, we’d have a whole ten minutes to catch our connecting flight in Houston. I poked around for other flights. “Luckily” it looked like a later flight through Dallas was also spectacularly delayed and might be a backup option for us.

We arrived at the airport and waited patiently as a friendly Southwest desk agent moved us to four of the last five seats on that flight through Dallas. We had a stopover but didn’t change planes, so there was no chance to miss a connection. Hooray! Alas, that flight was so, so, so delayed both in Memphis and in Dallas that it was around 2:00 in the morning before we managed to get home. We were exhausted, sure, but we made it home and so did our luggage, and we didn’t have to sleep in an airport, so I’m gonna tally it as a win.

Sean and I both worked the next day, but we did allow ourselves to sleep in a bit. It would have been disastrous otherwise. On New Year’s Eve, after a laid back dinner, we made the kids mocktails and the grownups cocktails and rang in the new year together. Luckily, the 1st was a day off. After our crazy December, we needed it!

If You Ever Want to Bring an Oboe to the Beach …

We started November off right by watching Maya participate in a piano recital. Her piano teacher has been letting Maya choose the order in which she is learning her book 3 Suzuki music, and Maya’s favorite piece was the eighth one (Sonatina in C Major, Muzio Clementi, Op. 36, No. 3), so she skipped from the first to nearly the last in the book.

It was easily the most complex and lengthy piece of music she’s performed to date, and I will admit, there were points where I was concerned she’d bitten off more than she could chew. That kid practiced really hard though. So frequently was she playing that sonatina, that I caught myself humming it constantly.

On the day of the performance, Maya was clearly nervous. She was one of the last people to play, so her nerves had a lot of time to fully develop. When it was finally her turn though, she did an excellent job. I think because of her anxiety, she turbo played some of the more familiar parts of the song, but it was a wonderful performance nonetheless. We are so proud of her.

Maya, performing Sonatina in C Major, Op. 36, No. 3 – by Muzio Clementi

Another funny thing, and this is probably the result of her Suzuki background, is that she didn’t play from sheet music. I would argue she had the most complex piece of the day, and she was the only one to play from memory.

We celebrated with ice creams afterward and a nearby Baskin Robbins, which was probably Ian’s favorite part. Or maybe it was the part where an older boy played a piece of music from the Undertale video game, but probably it was the ice cream.

We didn’t do a whole lot for the next couple weeks. Ian had a den meeting, in which he learned a little about systems of government. We had all got shaggy enough to need haircuts. Nothing too wild. This provided the regrouping we needed though before the big event – Maya’s 12th birthday.

Check out the motley crew of 6th graders and Ian

Sean had a different idea for her this year. How about she and a few friends spend the day at Six Flags in San Antonio? She loved the idea, but wanted to invite enough friends that Sean wound up renting a larger car to transport six kids in addition to himself and Maya. Ian and I drove down separately – there wasn’t room for us in the party wagon.

It worked out pretty well. I think there were a lot of noisy hijinks on the way there and back. At the park itself, kids would settle into groups based on who wanted to ride which thrilling or less intense rides. They horsed around, drank bottomless soda, and generally had a really good time.

Departure was a bit tricky. The park closed at 7, and not every kid had eaten by then, so we were trying to find last minute food for the remaining kids. Unfortunately, those food places shut their doors and windows pretty promptly, so we would need to stop somewhere to eat outside the park. Then traffic to exit was so horrifically slow and backed up that it took us a literal hour to actually exit Six Flags. Between these two things, our original schedule was blown to bits. We thought we might have kids home around 9 and it was really closer to 11.

Thanks to smart phones, we were able to keep the parents updated throughout the day with fun photos and schedule changes, so hopefully we didn’t ruffle any feathers. Either way, the kids seemed to have an absolute blast.

Happy birthday, Maya!

On her actual birthday, we took Maya out for a frankly unremarkable dinner at Maggiano’s. They explained to us that they had updated and “elevated” the restaurant’s decor and menu. From where I’m sitting, they made everything more expensive, while taking away the things that we loved about the place. She seemed to enjoy dinner well enough, so I guess it could be worse. And afterward, she came home and opened her gifts, so that part was pretty fun.

After Maya’s birthday, we mostly just treaded water till Thanksgiving break. The kids have the whole week off. Sean and I worked on Monday, but otherwise took the week off as well. Since our visit over the summer to Lolli and Pop had been cut short by illness, they agreed to meet us and hang out at a rental house in South Padre Island over part of the break.

Thanksgiving at the beach

We planned to leave Tuesday morning around 9-9:30 for the six hour drive to SPI. Between the night before and that morning, we had our stuff gathered up, had the car loaded to the gills, and were just leaving the house when our tire pressure light came on – one of our tires had lost air. The light had come on a week or two prior when the temperature dipped – this happens every year. Sean inflated them and went about his merry way. Given that they’d just been filled, this one tire being lower than the rest surely indicated a leak.

Sean dropped the kids and I at the house, we called around to find a place with a relatively short wait time, and then he took the car to get the tire fixed. All told, I think this set us about two hours behind schedule. This wouldn’t have been so bad but 1 – we had a grocery pickup time at the HEB on our way through Port Isabel that we’d now be very late for and 2 – we would arrive after dark, which is sort of a bummer since we thought we might get a little beach walk in that night.

The pool and hot tub had neat lights

Alas, we collected our groceries in the dark, drove over the causeway in the dark, found our rental place in the dark, and after a phone call to the landlord, managed to unlock our door in the dark. No worries though. There was a heated pool and a hot tub at the place. Water would be played in, sunset be damned.

Sean, Ian, and Maya testing the water temperature

The next morning, after lounging around a little bit, we went to Joshepine’s Kitchen, where breakfast is served all day long. After late breakfast, it was time to suit up and go to the beach. The water was a little brisk, but the sun was out and the weather was windy, but nice. Maya and Ian found little mollusk creatures and gathered them in a shallow container of seawater to observe them. The kids also collected seashells. I took a walk and watched birds and kids and dogs and adults enjoying a sunny day at the beach in November.

We didn’t see as many pelicans flying around as we usually do, but there were the usual hordes of seagulls. My favorite birds to watch though were the little sanderlings. A few of them would usually be together. When a wave came in, they’d skitter back to keep from getting pummeled. Then as the wave rolled back out into the gulf, they’d skitter just as quickly forward to pluck the mollusks up from the sand. It was delightful to observe.

Sanderlings, probably fleeing an incoming wave

Ian was bored, almost from the get-go, and I’m sad to report that neither kid seemed particularly interested in the giant sack of sand toys that we schlepped all the way from Austin. Maya swears she hasn’t, but I suspect they’ve outgrown them.

Even Maya, who was enjoying catching creatures, eventually got sick of sand pelting her and was ready to wander back to the rental house. Once we were back, it wasn’t long at all before we went to play in the pool instead. The folks we rented from had a wonderful array of pool toys, so they kids were well-entertained.

Treats at Baked Bear

I was craving ice cream, so we made our way over to the Baked Bear to indulge. The kids and Sean had full on ice cream sandwiches. I was content with a scoop of ice cream (though their cookies did look excellent).

We mostly did a lot of relaxing. There were more walks to the beach that evening and the next morning, but unfortunately by that next afternoon, the weather turned and got colder and wetter, and it kinda stayed that way through the rest of the trip. Because the entire time leading up to the trip, the weather looked to be pretty good during our stay, we hadn’t forced the kids to pack long pants or jackets. This was a mistake.


Instead of doing all the fun outdoor things that can be done in SPI, a lot of hot tub and pool time was had and a lot of ping pong was played. We had an epic game of Kids Against Maturity, which cracked everyone up. We had a Thanksgiving that couldn’t be beat. In general, we just hung out with each other. It was maybe not our very best trip for doing South Padre things, but it was just fine for spending time together.

About the title. When the kids were little, there was a cute book they liked called, “If You Ever Want to Bring a Piano to the Beach, DON’T” by Elise Parsley. Well, Maya insisted she needed to practice while we were on break, so she brought her oboe to the beach. If it had been warmer for longer, I probably would have tried to take her oboe literally to the beach, but as it was, she did a lot of practicing at the rental house.

We tried one more beach walk on our last day. Maya had here eye on catching a little crab we had seen earlier in the trip, and she’s always down for collecting seashells. Alas, the wind was still blowing and it was cold, so our walk didn’t last too long. Our drive home, as I recall it, was mostly uneventful, and since it was the very last day of the month, we didn’t get to wind down much from our trip before it was time to pivot hard to December.

We Boil Scouts

October is always an interesting month in central Texas. We still have plenty of 90 degree days, but they’re tempered with some days that are cooler as well. We all eagerly anticipate the brief break from the heat, around these parts. But October is also the start of our household’s holiday and birthday craziness that lasts through the end of the year.

Ian’s entry for his school’s yearbook cover

As the kids have done every year they’ve had the opportunity, I think, Ian entered the yearbook cover contest at his elementary school. Maya’s middle school doesn’t do this (to my knowledge), so it was just Ian working alone this year. I really like what he’s come up with and he’s excited about his chances.

Maya and Ian had a long weekend that first weekend – four days! We thought about trying to figure out a small vacation, but we’re still recovering from our big Hawaii trip I think, so we decided to keep it low key. Since we had bought season passes this year, on Saturday, we took the kids up to Arlington to try out Six Flags over Texas. As I understand it, this was the original Six Flags location.

Since the park didn’t open till noon, we started our day with a nice sit-down lunch at Tom’s Burgers and Grill. Our food was delicious, though they were pretty busy, and it took a bit longer than intended. Six Flags itself was pretty crazy because they were all decked out for Halloween. The decorations were spooky and all the water in the park was dyed red, presumably to simulate blood.

Maya and I on not-a-roller-coaster

We all tried our first ever bobsled coaster – La Vibora. While Ian enjoyed the snake theme, the ride itself wasn’t really our favorite. Maya and I went in a circle loop coaster, El Diablo, that Sean tells me isn’t really a roller coaster. Since the loop changes direction partway through (you dangle upside down for a bit too), they had us seated facing another pair of people. Maya watched, bemused, as the clearly-older-than-her girls screamed and screamed as the not-a-coaster completed its loops. Maya and I thought that one was actually pretty fun.

Maya, Ian, and I rode Titan. That guy is pretty fierce. It features a 255-foot drop and reaches a max speed of 85 mph. Maya rode it by herself and Ian rode with me. This thing has some pretty intense positive G-forces, and because of that, I will likely avoid ever riding it again. This forces are so intense, in fact, that Sean actually started to have tunnel vision while riding it in his younger days, which is why he was bowing out today. Ian may have permanently damaged my arm from gripping my hand so tightly, but we all really enjoyed our ride.

Next, we all rode what was probably my favorite coaster of the day – New Texas Giant. This was originally introduced in 1990, but in 2011 underwent a refurbishment by Rocky Mountain Coaster (usually referred to as RMC), intensifying some of its elements and adding a steel “I-box” track. The net result for me and my borked spine is that it’s a wooden roller coaster that I can ride comfortably, which makes me happy. We all loved it! Fun fact: this was the first ever RMC coaster conversion.

The only sour note to our day was that we waited in a sweltering hour-long line at the Batman coaster only to have it shut down right when we’d have been the next set of folks to board. We gave it I think another twenty minutes or so to see if there’d be any news. We got nothing, and by then both kids needed the bathroom, so we gave up and left. It wasn’t but five or ten minutes later that we saw them running empty cars. Alas.

Ian’s photo op with the undead

As it got dark, costumed folks began to roam around and scare people as part of the Fright Fest celebration. Their makeup was excellent, and they really did a good job of jump scaring folks. But, at Ian’s request, one of the zombies agreed to pose for a photo, which he loves. Maya was again bemused that people seemed to be actually afraid and were bolting through the crowd to run away from these “monsters” and their scares. Ian chuckled at it too, but he also stuck pretty close to us once it got dark.

We decided that any of the haunted house type stuff would be too graphic for the kids and avoided that too, so once Sean and Maya got a ride in on Judge Roy Scream, we were ready to go. (On the first drop of the Judge Roy Scream coaster, there’s a sign that says “Appeal denied!” Maya chuckled and said that was the legal equivalent of “Get wrecked!”) All in all, it was a fun day trip. That said, it is about a three-hour drive either direction (and Sean drove all of it), so it’s definitely nicer to day trip to Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio, which is a mere two hours away.

Maya – 6th Grade

Ian wound up being a little congested and coughing a lot on that next Thursday, so he missed a day of school. I was sweating it a little because we were all scheduled for our flu and covid vaccines on Friday the 11th. Luckily, Ian was feeling better and went to school on Friday, so we proceeded with our shots. Ian always copes with the shots pretty well, but Maya is a little more of a wild card. This time though, she did great! The patient woman administering the vaccinations was very good with her, and Maya was so happy that she actually hugged her when she left! Maya is not a big hugger, in case anyone was wondering.

Everything was ok on Saturday. Sean always has a reaction to the mRNA vaccines, so this time he tried the Novavax vaccine instead. His symptoms were extremely mild by comparison. Hooray!

And then Sunday, Ian vomited. Weird. And then he spent most of the day vomiting. He couldn’t keep anything down, not even tiny sips of water. Poor dude was so miserable. We didn’t go carve pumpkins with his Cub Scout pack that afternoon. We canceled a play date he was supposed to have on Monday (they had the day off school). He must have felt bad because he didn’t really fight those decisions all that much. Sunday was also (if memory serves) the day we hit 100 degrees. WTF, Texas?!

On Monday, he seemed able to keep food down finally, but he was so weak from the day before that he still spent most of his day resting. He went back to school on Tuesday and his appetite slowly returned through the week. We still aren’t sure if he had a bad reaction to the vaccine, had a small virus (he never had a fever), or some other ailment.

Maya and Ian, ready for Boo Fest – Maya is a kitty pirate, Ian is a zombie pirate

At any rate, by Friday, the kids were all ready to go to Boo Fest, the elementary school’s fall carnival. In an odd turn, they both decided they wanted to wear their halloween costumes to the event! Maya was a kitty pirate, and Ian was a zombie pirate. Yarrrr!

We have fairly big kids these days, so Sean and I hung out and ate tacos while the kids roamed free, hanging out with their friends, playing games, eating junk food. We wandered around chatting with parents we’d met over the years, catching glimpses of the kids now and then. It was pleasant, laid back.

Day-to-day, I get so many junk phone calls, that I’m a pretty notorious ignore-by-default person. We had been chatting with one of Ian’s friend’s mom when I received a phone call, which I habitually ignored. And then that number called immediately again. I handed the phone to Sean and asked him to answer it since I sometimes have a hard time hearing over surrounding noise. And then he was gone, with my phone. Something had happened.

After what felt like several tense minutes, he came and got me. Maya, while standing in line waiting to go into the haunted house, passed out. When I got there, she was sitting at a table with her friend Selma and Selma’s mom, and Sean ran to get her a slice of pizza to eat. Evidently she felt it coming on and started to bend forward to try and rest against a rail, passed out for a few seconds, and then popped up saying something like, “oh, it’s actually happening; how long was I down there?” and then calmly gave someone my phone number so they could call me. Good job, Maya.

Sean got her water and pizza, though she said she’d eaten and drunk water during the day. I checked over the various parts of her costume to see if anything was constricting her, but everything was loose. The long and short is that we aren’t too sure what happened. When she fell, she busted her chin and her elbow and bit the tip of her tongue. After sitting a while and eating and drinking, she wanted to try to spend her last few tickets. She seemed ok as we were walking around playing games and whatnot. We watched her further when we got home. All seemed well, so we decided not to press it further.

Paw Paw’s Catfish House in Bastrop

The next day, Maya seemed like she was still doing well, so we all went on Ian’s fall Cub Scout campout at Bastrop State Park. We had a delightful lunch at Paw Paw’s Catfish House in Bastrop before going to “rough it.” Three of the four of us had the blackened catfish, which was excellent. Ian had some absolutely massive chicken fingers (more like chicken hands, I think), but he seemed to enjoy what he did manage to eat of them.

We camped in the deer run loop at Bastrop State Park. In 2011, some 96% of the park was affected by a wildfire. The deer run loop appears to be in the remaining 4%. The loblolly pines loomed over us as we set up camp directly beneath them. It was really pretty.

Tent Arthur Tent

Per scouting guidance, we made Ian help set up the tent, which irritated him to no end. Maya sat on the ground right next to our tent and spent what seemed like literal hours chiseling up stones. We had to “borrow” our mallet from her, so we could actually get the tend set up.

It was so hot. I was thinking it would be cooler, and it was in the morning, so I had worn jeans. That was a mistake. Luckily, there was readily available water near our campsite, so it worked out ok. The kids played at a playground in the same loop, even letting Maya play along, so I think everyone wound up having a lot of fun. There was a burn ban, so the “campfire” was more of a gas fire pit, so Maya actually hung out with us while the kids told jokes and did skits and we all sang silly songs.

Ian Woods, Webelos Den

At one point, Maya was quizzing me about the den that Ian is in this year. It’s called the Webelos, but the name isn’t actually a plural, so she was irked by some of the linguistic goofiness that happens when you refer to something that sounds plural as a single thing. It stands for WE BE LOyal Scouts (which, to be fair, has its own linguistic goofiness). Ian, on overhearing this explanation, looked at us horrified and said, “We boil scouts???” Not what was said, son. And go read your scouting handbook.

This version of camping is relatively easy. You’re car camping, so no heavy backpacks. There are bathrooms with flush toilets, sinks, and even showers just a short walk away. The scouts handle all the cooking, so we don’t have to worry about food. Since there was no campfire, we didn’t even really have to worry about Maya’s food, though we brought some just in case. You’re there less than 24 hours.

We got home in time to unload the car and have showers before Ian was scheduled to go sell popcorn for his Cub Scout fundraiser. His sales shift was at a Randalls grocery store, and it was pretty slow going. They ultimately did all right though, and it’s probably good experience learning how to interact with folks and how to handle both positive and negative outcomes. Still those sales shifts personally stress me out. I’m an introvert and shy to boot, so I have to go way out of my shell to help support Ian in his endeavors. Luckily, he’s very extroverted and outgoing, so it works out ok.

Ian – 4th Grade

Maya had her first school dance the last Friday in October. The sixth graders had a costumed dance in the gym at school. She initially didn’t want to go. A dance? Ick, no! But we pointed out to her that especially at her age, it was probably more of a social, hang-out situation than a full on dance. She eventually agreed to go. She wore her kitty pirate costume, took along cash so she could buy pizza and sodas, and brought her phone, in case she needed us to come rescue her early.

It turns out it all went really well. Maya told us she had to hide under the bleachers for a little while at one point because there were so many people, but a friend kept her company while she was hiding and then she re-entered the fray. She got to see a number of her Davis friends that don’t have classes with her, which I don’t think she was expecting. The girl was all smiles when we picked her up.

With all the running around we had been doing so far in October, we tried very hard to keep the following weekend as low key as possible. Plus the temperatures were down to the mid to upper 80s, so it was maybe cool enough to undertake a meat project. I was all excited about trying to cook a piece of meat called Thor’s Hammer. It’s basically a beef shank that’s “been Frenched” or had the thinner meat and connective tissue cleaned from one end of the bone, so you can hold it like a Flintstones-sized drumstick.

My kettle grill brisket smoking set up

Alas, despite what HEB’s website said, they didn’t have any beef shanks in stock that weren’t sliced. Instead, we picked up a 13-14 lb prime brisket. I would simply smoke that instead of the shank. The night before the smoking, I trimmed the brisket, removing a lot (but not all) of the fat layer. To get a nice shape for even smoking, I trimmed some of the thinner and more nubbly bits of “good” brisket and saved those to grind into burgers later in the week (which were stupendous, btw, can’t recommend enough). I seasoned the brisket heavily all over and left it in the fridge overnight, very loosely covered.

I used the same “snake” method I’ve used in the past. You run a “snake” of charcoal around the edge of the grill, leaving an opening. You light one end of the open-ended snake and the fire slowly works through the coals over many hours. You place chunks of smoking wood (in our case pecan, though I’ve also used the more Texas traditional post oak in the past) at regular intervals around the “snake” and as the hot coals get to them, a fresh wave of smoke ensues.

I am out of practice and had a little trouble keeping the temperature down, but otherwise, I’d say the brisket cook was successful. The meat was tender, there was a nice smoke ring, and even after eating brisket in tacos, sandwiches, and lovely piles off and on for a week, I still had about four lbs to package up and store in the freezer for later enjoyment. Plus tending meat over fire for literal hours while I don’t have (or can successfully compartmentalize for later) a thousand other to-do list items is therapeutic for me.

Now, Maya doesn’t like the smell of fire *at all* so she wouldn’t hug me or really even be in the same room as me till after I had bathed. And she wouldn’t eat any of the meat. Maybe someday.

We voted!

Sean and I managed to work in an early voting run on Sunday afternoon. Maya and even Ian are paying more attention lately to who’s running for office and wanted to know why we might choose one candidate or another. This election season has been absolutely bonkers. The level of hateful and infantile discourse has been gross to observe, so we haven’t really let the kids watch any of the debates or speeches with us. Maybe in a couple years when we vote for governor, we’ll have to get the kids more involved.

Maya and Ian farted around forever not deciding what they wanted on their pumpkins, so for the first time in their lives I think, Anna didn’t draw their pumpkins for them. Each kid drew their own. I gutted them, reserving most of the seeds for roasting, and then the kids carved them. Sean helped Maya a little bit with a drawing method, but I think she did the work herself. Ian did his entirely on his own (except the aforementioned gutting).


Maya’s is a cat whose ears were repurposed from the triangle eye cut-outs. Ian’s is meant to be creepy. He wanted to do a “shaded” type pumpkin where you cut off some of the skin, but leave the flesh to glow in the candlelight. I don’t know what tools we need for that but we definitely didn’t have time to gather them up. Next year.

The kids had Friday November 1st off school (Diwali celebration, I think), so that left us latitude for Ian to have a sleepover with his friend Damian on Halloween night after Damian joined us for neighborhood trick or treating. I tried to get Maya to arrange trick or treat plans with her friends (some of whom live within walking distance of our house), but I think with the dance, her social bucket was empty, so she just joined the boys in their trick or treating.

Sean wasn’t feeling well, so he manned the candy bowl at our house while I walked Maya, Ian, and Damian around the neighborhood. Maya’s costume was really long, so she had to walk to keep from tripping. Ian and Damian, in their excitement, ran absolutely everywhere, usually leaving Maya and I behind. I don’t think Maya got to ring a single doorbell, and after a while she told me she was tired and would like to go home. I have a notion she was tired of getting left out, but I could be wrong. We walked her home and spent maybe another half hour trick or treating before the boys decided their bags were full enough.

Maya, Ian, and Damian getting ready to trick-or-treat

After we got back, the boys half-watched Scream. They sacked out in the living room on air mattresses. It was cute.

For my part, I had a beer and tried out a new method for roasting the pumpkin seeds. They were better than any I’ve made before, but still didn’t achieve the desired degree of crispiness I was hoping for. Earlier that afternoon, I boiled them in salt water for about five minutes and laid them out to dry for a couple hours. Once I was ready to roast, I tossed them in olive oil and salt, spreading them on a parchment lined sheet pan, and baked them at 350 for maybe 25 minutes or so, stirring a few times during the baking. I have a friend who says he lets his dry out for days, and that may make the difference. I don’t know how to square that up with the fact that our jack o lanterns don’t last all that long in the Texas heat, but I may have to try that next year.

I’m delighted that Maya still wants to be a kid and dress up in a fun costume and go trick or treating. Ian and his friends are still very excited about trick or treating, so we’ll ride that out for a while. I’ve heard it said or written a weirdly large number of times over the past couple weeks that “the days are long but the years are short.” And I feel this too. I get weary of getting the kids to all the things all the time, but Cub Scout campouts and sixth grade dances and trick-or-treating will look hazy and sweet in the rearview mirror. Sentimentality must just be in the too-hot, wish-fall-would-start-already Texas air right now, I guess.

Skibidi Rizz Ohio

Yeah, I don’t know what that title means either, but my 4th and 6th grade children probably do (and would tell me I’m being “cringe”), and I thought it would be funny to capture some Gen Alpha slang. I’m so far behind with posting that I’m just going to combine August and September. Maya started middle school this year, and the transition to having two different schools to keep up with has been hard for me.

We started August beautifully with an action-packed trip to Hawaii, visiting three islands: Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island. We loved our Hawaii trip so much, that we tried to extend our trip culinarily. We had yummy Manoa chocolate bars to slowly work our way through and some variously-flavored Hawaiian shortbread cookies to enjoy as well. There’s rum too, but we haven’t cracked into that yet.

Spam musubi

But I couldn’t leave well enough alone. Since we’ve been back, I’ve also made Kalua Pork (which all of us loved), complete with pink alaea sea salt. With Maya in mind, I’ve made Spam Musubi a couple times now – we even bought a special musubi mold, which makes the process fairly painless. (She loves them, and she loves making them – double win!) For Mom and Dad mostly, I’ve also been making a coconut syrup for our pancakes. I tried to do this after our first Hawaii trip in 2008. Turns out I was probably trying way, way too hard (I was attempting to roast and crack coconut and infuse the syrup with the freshly roasted coconut, when really I just needed nice coconut milk). All these things let us remember the aloha as we go about our hectic everyday lives, which is nice.

Meet the teacher night

As is normal for the middle of August in Central Texas, we made the pilgrimage to our local HEB Central Market grocery store to buy all the hatch chile festival things, stocking the freezer very nicely with easy to prepare marinated meats and chile-centric sausages and burgers. One of the best and most interesting things we tried though were these blue corn tortilla and hatch chile cookies. The kids weren’t into them at all, which was fine by me because I LOVED them.

We tried another run of tropical fruits since the Central Market often has a nice selection. We bought rambutans for Ian since they’re similar to lychees, which he tried in Hawaii and loved. We bought dragonfruit for Maya because she wanted to try them in Hawaii and we never quite worked it out. We picked up a carambola / star fruit as well, since they’ve liked them in the past. And we grabbed some kumquats which Maya especially adored because you eat them skin and all, which gives them a bitter edge that she finds very appealing.

First day of school! Maya 6th grade, Ian 4th grade

Maya and Ian started back to school on August 20th. Since the schools have a staggered start times, and Sean starts work later in the morning, he is still dropping them off at their two schools. At my request though, to maintain my work sanity, they have started riding the bus home after school. Their first week back contained some of the hottest days we’ve had all summer, highs reaching 106 and 107 on a couple of the days. And when they get dropped off from school, it’s about the hottest part of the afternoon, so we took an umbrella up and met them at the bus stop. After the first day, they requested that we not meet them again – that they could get home on their own, thank you very much. Fine by me; it was hot out there.

In middle school, Maya has to move between her classes each day. She is not prone to hurrying for any reason, so I think it’s been a bit of a struggle for her to get her bag packed and move to her next class on time. I get the impression now that we’re nearly through the first quarter, she’s got the hang of it, but I still don’t think it’s easy. I went to back to school night or whatever it’s called and “walked” her schedule. I haven’t ever had to find my way between the different buildings at her school before, but even once I knew where they were, I struggled to get to her classes during the 5-minute gap between them, and I didn’t have a bag to pack.

Maya and her oboe – her oboe teacher describes the instrument as a puzzle

She is taking Band this year and has begun to learn how to play the oboe. In addition to a weekly piano lesson, she now has a weekly oboe lesson immediately after school. While the music reading skills she’s acquired with her piano study help with this, playing the instrument is a whole different deal. It’s a hard one to learn, and at least so far, she’s had to work really hard to figure it out. Scholastically, things come fairly easily to her, so I think this may be a point of frustration.

Sean surprised the kids that first weekend after school started with Dr Pepper doughnuts from Krispy Kreme. I can usually eat one doughnut before the sugar, fat, whatever gets to me, but I tried one out anyway, and there’s definitely a nice Dr Pepper flavor hidden amongst all that pure sweet.

Ian’s rocket at his first Cub Scouts pack meeting of the school year

Ian is participating in Cub Scouts again this year. As a fourth-grader he’s in the Webelos den, and at the first pack meeting they made paper rockets. These were launched with compressed air, and whatever combination of construction paper and packing tape Ian landed on this time was definitely the right one because his rocket went REALLY far. It was astonishing.

Malin’s Fountain, by Thomas Dambo

It was very marginally cooler over Labor Day weekend, so one afternoon, we headed down to Pease Park to check out Malin’s Fountain. Malin’s Fountain is a sculpture by Danish artist Thomas Dambo, who is famous for making large troll sculptures using recycled materials (over a hundred so far – maybe one is near you: trollmap). It was installed this past March and, according the Pease Park Conservancy website, will be in place for 15 years.

Malin is apparently a water protector, something we badly need in perpetually water-strapped central Texas. Protector or not, she’s amazing to behold. She’s larger than life and has friendly, inviting eyes. The kids seemed astonished that such a thing would just be sitting in one of our city parks. And then, Maya and Ian even got to play in the nearby “treehouse” and have shave ices.

I’ve been delighted with the quantity of bumble bees that have been hanging out in my my flowering plants this year. This was mostly happening in late August and early September, before things died back in this long, hot dry spell (the yard is largely dead or dormant now in mid-October). Several of the flowering plants had come alive after a few August rain showers, and the bees seem to have a particular affinity for the pink Turk’s cap plants. (I have an affinity for them too – they’re natives and hard to kill.)

Ian the cake decorator

Ian had been wanting to try his hand at cake decorating again, so we decided to make a little confetti cake and let him mess around with a star-shaped piping tip. Ian chose to make a Pac Man cake. We left some of the icing white and dyed the rest yellow, and he went to town. All in all, I think it turned out well, and he seemed happy with it.

Rather than let our kids hoodwink us into eating at the same three or four restaurants over and over and over again, we decided to try out a place called Buddha Burger. It’s a food trailer in a gas station parking lot, which in and of itself isn’t so bad, but it’s still so hot out. Thankfully, they had picnic tables in the shade, and everyone seemed to enjoy their food.

She caught one!

In mid-September, Maya was invited to her friend Maclin’s birthday event – and they went fishing! Evidently she had an excellent time, and when she wasn’t actively fishing, she was busy catching bait. What a fun way to celebrate a birthday!

That same weekend, Ian had a Cub Scout pack meeting wherein they built sailboats. While his sailboat floated well, it wasn’t quite as successful as his rocket had been the month prior. Either way, he seemed to enjoy building it.

Look, it’s an oboe solo! She put it down in favor of a flute when it was time to move around on the field though

The Monday after that busy weekend, at Maya’s band teacher’s urging, we all went to the Toney Burger center and watched the AISD High School Marching Band Jamboree. Sean, who played alto saxophone in his high school marching band, was old hat at this sort of thing, but it was entirely new to the rest of us. All told, all thirteen high schools performed, and then the evening was capped off by a performance from the Texas State University Bobcat Marching Band.

It was so much fun to watch! Even Ian, who had campaigned hard not to go at all, was getting into it. The schools all put on fairly different shows, so it wasn’t boring or repetitive. The big wall of sound that hit you when the brass kicked in was genuinely uplifting, and the choreographed movement, for some reason, was an unexpected surprise for me. The sizes of the bands varied pretty widely, and probably school size and student interest were the prevailing factors. But I couldn’t quite shake the idea that it was a display of the haves and have-nots of the district.

Maya has been told again and again that oboe players don’t march, and to be fair, this one didn’t either. But one high school, during the jamboree performance at least, had an oboe player, and she even got to play a solo. Guitars were featured by some of the bands too, though their players also seemed to be stationary.

They’re playing Long, Long Ago

The next weekend, Ian got to perform at a farmer’s market in his guitar teacher Chris’s neighborhood. It was just Ian and Chris, so their set was pretty fluid, with Ian restarting or abandoning ship if he didn’t remember a piece as well. He did a good job and seemed happy to be there. Plus, Maya and I were able to go along and watch, which doesn’t always happen.

Maya’s sea shanty

Maya has been playing piano since she was three and loves it very much. She’s lately been delving more into the theory side of things, working on different scales and modes. She spends a lot of time holed up in her room, playing on her keyboard, messing around with different chord progressions, transposing pieces she already knows into so many different keys. She was delighted when one of her weekly practice pieces – a series of little sea shanties – had a challenge at the end to develop her own. Maya, ever the favorer of the weird, came up with a sea shanty, and her teacher Ben made a video of her playing it!

The last weekend of the month was a doozy. Ian went on an overnight trip to the San Antonio Zoo for a Cub Scout activity. Normally, since the whole family can participate in Cub Scout overnights, I like for all of us to go, but we had a conflict. Maya’s former piano teacher Hannah and her husband Michael would be putting on a four hands piano concert at a local church and Maya wanted very badly to go.

Dressed up for the piano concert

I stayed in Austin and took Maya to her piano concert. Sean rode down to San Antonio with a fellow scout family and had fun at the zoo. The piano concert was only an hour long, and Maya might have gotten a little antsy, but she seemed to really enjoy it. There was a point where she was calling out chord juxtapositions with the admiration of a sports announcer calling out a good play. I felt compelled to shush her, but I was thrilled that she was so into it.

It helps that Hannah and her husband put on a spectacular performance, full of variety, helpful explanations, and a good dose of humor. They ended the evening with some pieces by P.D.Q. Bach (Peter Schickele) who appears to have died before he was born, and who toyed with his four hands performers by making them cross over one another at the keyboard in a sadistic version of piano Twister. Joke’s on him though – they didn’t miss a beat.

After the show, Maya hung around and talked to Hannah for a while. You could tell Maya didn’t want to leave – she really loved having Hannah as a teacher – but eventually we had to go home. Maya had another happy-sad. She loved seeing her former teacher perform, but she was sad all over again at her absence. Life can be hard.

Ian is with an Indian Gharial (a type of crocodile) – hard to see because it’s in the water

My zoo information is secondhand, so I’ll do my best here. As I understand it, the zoo adventure started quite late and maybe the zoo folks weren’t quite prepared for the sheer quantity of scouts and scout family members. But, once things got started, they clicked along pretty well. Ian got to touch a hognose snake, which I’m sure thrilled him. That kid loves amphibians and reptiles, especially snakes.

They did some evening activities at the zoo, but I hear the real treat was the zoo walk the next morning. They got to head through the zoo before it opened to the public, so they were able to see the animals in a more alert and active state than they normally would have. I was particularly impressed with a bright-eyed tiger photo they managed to capture.

Sean tells me that the MGM Lion’s roar was likely provided by a tiger

They managed to get home and we got things squared away juuuuuust enough for Sean and I to head out on our Sunday evening adventure. We were headed to Stubb’s to see James and Johnny Marr! I won’t lie. We were both tired, especially Sean who had slept on an inflatable mattress at the zoo the night before. And I know I sound like a broken record, but it was so hot. Even after the sun went down, it was still in the 90s.

James sounded great and even though I know literally one song by them (“Laid” which was released way back in 1993), it was an enjoyable show. The had a lovely ditty explaining that we were all going to die, but their trumpeter was fun to watch, so I guess I’ll forgive them.

Johnny Marr, looking ethereal

I tried listening to the Johnny Marr solo stuff a few weeks before the show, just for curiosity. I don’t know, it was fine I guess, but nothing really grabbed me. Like so many other performers though, all that was out the window watching him live. He and the band put on a great show, and while I expect most folks were there for the old Smiths tunes, I thought the whole set was excellent. (And I know I’m far, far in the minority, but I don’t really love the way Morrissey sings – it’s just too precious for me, I think – so for me, it was a delight to hear music I genuinely enjoy being sung by a voice with a little more life in it.)

There we are, mid-October, and I’m finally writing about August and September. It’s funny how musical our September was. Weirdly, I’m not sure I noticed in real-time. Maya seems to have adapted ok to middle school, at least so far. Ian is holding his own in elementary school. I think at least for now, we’re all doing ok.

Pele’s Hair – Big Island

Still Day 8 – Arrival on the Big Island

After our flight landed, we collected our bags, and got our rental car, we had juuuuuust enough time to stop in at Pine Tree Cafe for dinner. The ladies working there were so, so nice to us. Ian was quizzing them about their fries – how were they cooked, how were they seasoned, how big were they (he’s picky, go figure). In addition to patiently answering all his questions, they brought one out for him to try (he loved them).

I had a delightful fried shrimp sandwich. Maya had a very small serving of poke. Sean went overboard. He ordered a mixed plate with garlic chicken and hamburger steak with gravy. I got to try everything and there’s no denying it was all spectacular, but wow did he have a lot of food.

Our last hotel definitely had a more “resort” vibe

We arrived at our fancy-pants hotel in the dark. More so than any of our other island hotels, this one has a resort vibe. It’s gigantic. There are separate pools for the kids and the adults. The kids’ pool has a 200-foot slide, which Maya and Ian were very, very excited about.

Day 9 – Sunrise at Pololu Point, Akaka Falls, Rainbow Falls

When we were originally laying out this vacation and deciding what we would like to do and see, we cooked up this plan to rent a jeep and try to get to the top of Mauna Kea to watch sunrise. (If I remember correctly, the need for 4WD is less about the rough road and need for high clearance – the road is actually well-maintained – but more about the steep grade as you head back downhill. You need to be in low gear to keep from burning out your brakes.)

In researching what kinds of vehicles were good for driving up to the summit, we happened upon a warning that you shouldn’t proceed beyond the visitor’s center if you are under 13 years of age, and that the prolonged high altitude exposure could cause bodily damage. I’m a scoffer, so I initially scoffed and figured we’d all be fine. But there’s a difference between taking stupid risks with your own body and health and life and taking a risk with that of your children, and so I looked into it further. After reading about the higher risk for pulmonary edema and cerebral edema, coupled with the fact that you’re really far from anywhere that can help you, it just didn’t seem worth the risk. We’d live to see that sunrise another time. Or maybe we wouldn’t. No big deal; there are lots of beautiful things in the world.

Sunrise at Pololu Point

And so it was that our poor, mistreated kids were woken up a little after 4:00 in the morning (their parents were up even earlier) so that we could go watch sunrise at Pololu Point instead. The 1.5 hour car ride was completed almost entirely in the dark.

It was every bit as beautiful as we were lead to believe. Maya and Ian got to marvel at just how quickly the sun went from a slight sliver on the horizon, to a half-circle, to a full sun. Unfortunately, it was very cloudy, so we didn’t get to see the golden morning light washing over the cliffs. Given that we had not yet had breakfast and had not yet fully recovered from our epic waterfall hike, we chose not to do the hike down to the beach, though it looked like it would have been quite lovely as well.

We caught the sunrise, but it was too cloudy for “golden light”

We had started to listen to “Divergent” by Veronica Roth on our return drive from Alabama at the end of July. We thought we’d listen to the book during some of our longer drives on the Big Island as well, so now that the kids were both truly awake, we worked on our book some more. It kept them from getting bored, but unlike screen time, it left their eyes available to take in the unique Hawaiian landscape in all its endless variety as we drove around the island.

Our stop after Pololu was to indulge in breakfast at the Hawaiian Style Cafe in Waimea. We had kind of been looking forward to breakfast here the whole trip, so lovely was their menu. They warn you that their portions are big, but I honestly had no idea what was in store for us. And worse still, we were so busy eating, none of us remembered to snag any photos. Whoops.

For example, I ordered their famous hash, which came with rice or hash browns (the latter), two eggs (over easy), and a pancake, waffle, or toast (waffle, for Ian). Holy. Shit. That waffle was like a whole second breakfast. With just my order, I could probably have fed any three people. By the time we realized our mistake, it was much too late. Each of us had ordered our own breakfast. And Sean even upgraded his pancake side to haupia pancakes, which turned out to be a very wise choice because the haupia sauce they slathered on top was absolutely divine.

Their menu explains that leftovers don’t go to waste, that they’re fed to the pigs. Sean has a new theory that the Hawaiian Style Cafe also runs a pig farm and we customers supplement the pigs’ feed.

Waipi’o Valley Overlook

After breakfast, we hit the Waipi’o Valley Overlook. The coastal scenery was gorgeous, of course. We also saw a kitty hanging out by a cross that may or may not have been marking a grave (probably it was a memorial). The cat looked for all the world like it was guarding that cross though. It seemed to kitty-smile at us, and we thought it might come over for some scritches, but it stayed firm at its chosen post.

We also saw some really neat spiders hanging out all over the ceiling of the picnic bench area of the lookout. Ian, unfortunately, is not a big fan of spiders, so he was on edge while we were there. We looked them up, they are Hawaiian Orb Weaver, Hawaiian Garden Spider, or Banana Spider, depending on who you ask.

Laupahoehoe Point

The Laupahoehoe Point lookout may have been the kids’ favorite. There were huge black lava boulders to clamber over, little crabs to watch scuttle about, interesting rocks, shells, and fossils to hung, and several colorful little birds to watch.

We were all still full from breakfast, so we skipped our lunch spot and drove straight to Akaka Falls. In 2008, this was a loop trail. In 2024, it was under construction, so it was an out and back instead. The 400-foot tall falls were still magnificent, and the thick coating of tropical vegetation was a sight to behold. This is a well-loved waterfall though, and there were a LOT of people, so that part wasn’t always pleasant. In fact, if you ask Maya which of the hikes she liked the best, her enjoyment was inversely proportional to quantity of people on the trail.

Akaka Falls

We took a particularly pretty drive (the Onomea Scenic Drive, the guide says) along the Old Mamalahoa Hwy (instead of the more direct Mamalahoa Hwy), and the scenery was beautiful. The drive goes past the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden along this route, and I just have to wonder, as much as the islands are covered in an abundance of widely varied flora, what do they choose to display in the botanical garden?

We stopped in at some random place for shave ice and snacks, and all the things we had were nice enough. The highlight here though was a friendly rooster who would eat pieces of tortilla chip from our hands. Sometimes it’s the little things.

Check out the size of this banyan tree!

Rainbow Falls was nice enough, but wasn’t particularly striking after our visits to Akaka Falls earlier that day and Hanakapi’ai Falls on Kauai. However, the grounds around the falls were pretty. There was an impressively large banyan tree that we had fun hiding in and climbing on.

After this, we decided to head back to the hotel to let the kids have some pool time. For the record, this is the first time we’d seen our hotel in the daylight. It was very large. As predicted, the 200-foot water slide was a huge hit with the kids who made endless trips down the slide, coming down forward, backward, on their knees, resting their heads on their hands and looking hilariously nonchalant.


After swimming, Sean and I let the kids hang out and get showered while we foraged for dinner that night and something easy for breakfast the next day. As we headed from the hotel room down into the parking lot, we were presented with a giant rainbow! It was amazing.

Foodwise, I was personally pushing hard for more of that excellent and affordable grocery store poke. Alas, by the time we got to the Sack-n-Save, there wasn’t much left. We wound up snagging dinner from some random ramen joint that night instead. The kids had the pleasure of hanging out at the table on the deck and eating their ramen – a compromise since Ian wanted to eat his ramen in bed. The poor dears.

Day 10 – Kealakekua / Captain Cook, Pu’uhonua o Honaunau, Manta Magic

Today we started and ended our day in the ocean. After a quick breakfast of provisions we had collected in our hotel room (my guava bread from the Sack N Save was excellent), we suited up to go on a snorkel trip to Kealakekua Bay, the same site as the Captain Cook Monument.

Controversial Cook monument, on British owned land

The Captain Cook Monument is a little controversial, especially to native Hawaiians. Apparently, explorer James Cook wasn’t known to be particularly kind to the indigenous people he encountered in his travels. It sounds like he wound up stopping in Kealakekua Bay in 1779 to repair a ship’s mast and stayed for a bit. On February 14th, he attacked a village and shot one of the native noblemen. He was bludgeoned and stabbed to death in the surf. The big 27-foot monument is set on land that is technically owned by the British. There’s a small plaque in the water that’s said to mark the exact spot of his demise. Evidently this monument gets defaced with some regularity, even though it is reachable only by docking a boat or by hiking a 2 mile trail. The area is also a very popular snorkeling location.

Catching this gecko may have been the highlight of Ian’s trip

We got ourselves to the right location and then kind of meandered till we figured out the right group to board with. While we were waiting, Ian – reptile hunter extraordinaire, caught one of the geckos we had seen all over the place during this vacation. We looked it up – it’s a Gold Dust Day Gecko. After Ian held it for a bit and let it crawl around on his arms, he kindly gave Maya a turn holding it and checking it out as well.

The morning looked like it was going to be cloudy, but as our boat pulled into the bay, the sun shone down and the ocean colors came alive. Ian was in the water for all of about three minutes before he wanted out. The crew assured us they’d keep him entertained while we snorkeled. I love it that the kids are now old enough that I feel okay with that. We have joked a few times now that Ian’s trip was more of an expensive boat ride than anything else.

So many colorful sea creatures!

Maya lasted maybe 30-40 minutes before she became irritated with a wonky mask (which I understand) and headed back to the boat. From the kids, we heard that snacks and sodas and jumping from the boat were part of the fun while Mom and Dad stayed in the water.

More colorful fish!

The snorkeling was great. The water shimmered, the corals popped, and there were so many different fish to observe. I told Sean later on that it was like a little kid had gotten ahold of a crayon box and let their imagination run wild.

Yellow tangs

Toward the end, while I was watching some of the smaller fish feeding among the coral, I happened to see an octopus unfurl and move a few feet before camouflaging itself to invisibility again. I called Sean and his GoPro over. We stared and stared and I was starting to worry that he would doubt me when we finally saw another small burst of movement. We were running out of time when I happened to see Sean dive down and swim almost to the bottom. Sure enough, he managed a brief recording of the octopus to show Maya, our octopus lover.

The octopus we spotted. Sean saw it from up high and then dove down to get a closer view. Think: fleeting glances of a little black blob.

We boated back to our launch point maybe 30 minutes away. They had fresh cut pineapple as part of their snack offering. I have decided that fresh pineapple lightly seasoned with salt-watery hands and mouth and air, after 90 minutes of brilliant snorkeling, is among the best flavors there is.

Maya’s not one to turn away a poke bowl

We all washed the saltwater off and headed to Reel Aloha Poke (which our nav system hilariously pronounced “poke” like you would do to someone’s shoulder if you were trying to get their attention). The selection wasn’t vast but it was unique, especially their side dishes, and everything we tried was super fresh and flavorful. For example, I had as my sides a pickled ogo salad, whose primary ingredient was a fine-branched brownish purple seaweed. Sean and I both tried the Ho’io salad, made with a local fern. For Ian, Sean walked to a nearby McDonald’s and bought him a chicken sandwich instead. The rest of us loved our poke though.

The heiau

We next drove to the Pu’uhonua o Honaunau national monument. Sean and I had been before, but we thought it would be good for the kids to understand that Hawaii, while being one of our fifty United States, has its own unique history and heritage. As I understand it, this is (or was) a place of intense mana or spiritual power because of the 23 chiefs whose bones were protected in the temple. This mana was available only to royalty and those who served them. (I looked it up, the bones were relocated in the 1800s, so I suppose the mana moved along with them.)

Additionally, this is place served as a sanctuary during wartimes. It was also a place of refuge for those who might break a kapu, or sacred law. Infractions might include a commoner casting a shadow on royalty or someone catching a fish out of season. The penalty for breaking kapu was death. If the criminal could outmaneuver their pursuers and make it to the Pu’uhonua, they might be absolved of their crimes by a priest. Evidently the law of kapu ended in 1819, but the site remains sacred to the Hawaiians.

From near the canoe house, looking toward the ocean

I’m not sure how engaged Maya and Ian were. There was a game, called Konane, that involved black and white stones on a large stone playing surface. We didn’t take the time to learn the rules, but it looked like it could be interesting. We listened for while to what the different woven baskets on display were used for.

After this, we stopped by St Benedict’s Roman Catholic Church, the famous painted church. Maya and Ian did a great job of reigning in their normal loud and boisterous natures while they were in the church.

Inside the painted church

Everyone was oddly tired after all this, so we had some down time before heading out for an early dinner at Kona Brewing Co. Sean and I used to love a beer of theirs called “Koko Brown,” but it seemingly hasn’t been available in Austin in ages. We thought maybe in the Hawaiian islands, we’d find it available, but thus far, it hadn’t been seen in any of the establishments we visited – not at any grocery store or convenience store even. Surely if we went to the brewery itself it would be available, and sure enough, there it was on the menu!

Imagine our disappointment when they said they had run out a couple days prior and weren’t sure when it would be back in stock. Oh well.

After dinner, we had just enough time to get dressed in our swim things again and get to the meeting spot for our big event: nighttime snorkeling with manta rays!

Here’s how it works. The tour operator sets out a light board – a retrofitted surfboard with lights shining down from the bottom and handles all around its perimeter. Us intrepid snorkelers attached floats to our ankles (to avoid accidentally kicking the mantas), grabbed those handles with our hands and just laid on top of the water. With this setup, we very much limited our chances of accidentally touching the federally protected manta rays.

Manta rays scooping up plankton

The light attracts the plankton and the rays gracefully swim by with their big mouths agape and scoop it up, gently flipping over as they do so to expose their undersides. Since they are federally protected, we of course we couldn’t touch them, but that they could touch us. I was brushed at least a couple times as the huge creatures swooped past.

We had been told that morning about a locally famous manta ray known as Big Bertha, whose wingspan is around 16 feet. We didn’t get to see her, but we saw probably eight other mantas (individually identifiable by their unique spot patterns) roughly half that size. I even had a little trouble with my mask leaking (I had to stop every few minutes and dump the water from it), and I still can’t be anything but thrilled with the experience with those huge and gentle sea creatures.

I was worried that Ian would be a little weirded out by the size of the manta rays swimming around him. Plus I was a little nervous that he’d bail a few minutes in like he had this morning. But nope, both kids stuck it out and by all accounts were just as thrilled as the grownups.

Day 11 – Punalu’u Black Sand Beach, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Today was our big Hawaii Volcanoes National Park day. To be fair, in 2008, when there was active eruption activity going on, visiting the park was a much different experience. At the time we visited in August of this year, there was no eruption happening, but we figured it was still worth a visit to see such a unique landscape.

We started our day with a small tide-us-over snack in our hotel room before heading out on the hour and twenty minute drive to our actual breakfast stop, Punalu’u Bake Shop. Sean, Maya, and I enjoyed malasadas and other sweet pastries. Ian had a bacon, egg, and toast breakfast plate that was more to his liking. We hung out in a pretty courtyard in a gazebo, watching another gold dust day gecko puttering around in its eaves.

Maya and Ian had fun roaming free on the rocks and sand

Afterward, we headed to the Punalu’u Black Sand Beach. The sparkly black volcanic sand there was truly beautiful, but the part that I loved most was seeing the big green sea turtles.

We were sort of idly puttering around on the lava rocks along the beach, watching waves crash and crabs scuttle. Two beach dudes wandered by and told us to take our family a little further on – there was a turtle just hanging out eating. They even walked us over to where it was and showed us.

Green sea turtle, grabbing a little breath before returning to its breakfast. It was maybe 2.5 feet from nose to tail

Sure enough, in the water right along the shore, a sea turtle was just happily sitting in the water, chomping away at algae and whatever else they chomp on. Its colors were so much more vibrant than the ones we saw in a roped off section of the beach. (They had the beach section roped off because the turtles are endangered and thus a protected species. You’re not allowed to touch or even approach them.)

After gazing at the turtles for a while and figuring out that we didn’t know how to capture that beautiful black sand sparkle in photos, we headed on into Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Ian warming up by the fire

We started by checking out the Kilauea Visitor’s Center, where Ian, who was filling a bit cold, almost immediately parked himself in front of Pele’s fireplace. Maya, who abhors the smell of fire, gave the fireplace a wide berth and went outside to look at the Halema’uma’u crater (the caldera of the Kilauea volcano), which honestly didn’t smell a whole lot better.

The caldera looks quite a bit different than when we last saw it in 2008. The big eruption in 2018 drained some 1 billion cubic yards of lava from within the volcano. The loss in pressure and structure allowed the summit to collapse. Signage at the Visitor’s Center said that Halema’uma’u crater sunk 1,600 feet down, which is particularly impressive given that Kilauea’s elevation is around 4,000 feet.

We started our exploration by letting the kids check out one of the steam vents. There’s a whole trail that takes you to additional vents, but the one right in the parking area suited us just fine as a novelty. Ground water seeps over magma-heated rocks, and it evaporates into steam. It was pretty brisk outside, but leaning over the steam vent, we’d be hit with little bursts of hot moist air, occasionally almost uncomfortably hot. It was pretty wild.

Maya on the Thurston Lava Tube trail

Next we visited the Thurston Lava Tube (known as Nahuku in Hawaiian). Lava carves a path through the landscape (as things do when they’re more than 2000 degrees Fahrenheit), but the slower moving exterior edges of the lava flow can harden and form a sort of crust. Eventually that crust builds up and joins at the top, creating a tube. Even after the lava drains away, the tube remains. And we could actually hike through the Thurston Lava Tube.

The dining options inside the park weren’t really thrilling us, so we drove to the nearby town of Volcano and ate at the Tuk Tuk Thai Food Truck instead. While there is no seating around the truck itself, the extremely nice lady working at the truck gave us directions to a park where we could sit and eat our lunch. The kids had hot and sour soup. We all shared some egg rolls, and Sean and I had a big steaming pile of pad kee mao (drunken noodles). It was such a delicious and soul warming treat.

Holei Sea Arch

After our late lunch, we decided to drive down Chain of Craters road. We wanted to show the kids the sea arch, and we wanted them to see how the road just ends because lava rock has overtaken it.

We parked the car and had a fine time taking a look at the Holei Sea Arch from the overlook. The lava rock is younger and more stark in this part of Hawaii, and it was interesting to see the beautiful deep blue water crash endlessly into the jagged black rock. Indeed, it was pointed out that the sea arch won’t last forever. With the constant attack of the ocean waves, it will eventually collapse too.

This is a photo from 2008. We thought we were taking the kids to see this very surreal view.

We started walking down the road to see where the lava rock crossed over. We walked till the black desolation stretched to either side of us and then walked some more. The kids spent some time clambering around the jagged fields of lava rock, admiring the different iridescent colors that shimmered in the sun.

I guess the road is no longer closed

The air temperature was not hot, maybe 85 degrees, but that sun is so incredibly direct that we were all cooking by this point. And that’s about when we noticed the sign advertising the evacuation route. Maybe as a result of the big 2018 eruption, the lava-blocked road had been cleared.

I had been wanting to walk the Kilauea Iki trail, but we were running out of time and energy. The sun sets pretty early here, and the restaurants don’t tend to linger late either. What’s cool about this trail though is that you get to hike down into a now dormant volcanic caldera. Kilauea Iki means “Little Kilauea” in Hawaiian, and that’s kinda what it looks like on the map – a little caldera to the east of the big Kilauea caldera. (Oh, and hey, I just saw in my trail guide that Kilauea means “spewing” in Hawaiian, which is what happened in Kilauea Iki in 1959.)

Kilauea Iki trail across a dormant(?) volcano caldera

I wish we had more time to enjoy the trail, but what we did see what fascinating. Were we ever to find ourselves there again, I might make sure we had more time to do this hike properly. As it was, at 6p, the sun was rapidly dropping, and it was so late (not really) when we got back into town, that nothing was open except McDonalds.

Day 12 – Wandering, Last-minute Shopping, Heading Home

We actually took it relatively easy today. Sean and I (mostly Sean) packed our bags for the return trip that evening, and I wandered the kids down for one last swim in that glorious pool with its glorious slide.

The epic 200 foot slide at our hotel

Over the past several days, we kept seeing small brown creatures romping through the parking lot or poking around in the hotel lawns. They were squirrel-ish but much too large to be that and they moved differently too. We finally looked them up – they are mongooses! (Yes, that is the correct plural form.) They were introduced in the 1880s to help control rats in the sugarcane fields. That may have been well and good then, but now they are considered invasive. The problem is that they eat lots of other things too, including endangered birds and the eggs and hatchlings of endangered sea turtles.

Happy Ian. Nice warm pool > salty, cold ocean

After we loaded up the car and bid our hotel farewell, we headed north to try out Kohala Burger for lunch. I think only Sean had an actual burger, but regardless, the food was solid and service was nice and relaxed. For the first time during this giant long time in Hawaii, we had either Dole Whip (pineapple ice cream) or fancy drinks made with Dole Whip. I love that stuff, and outside of Disney World, the only place I’ve had it is in Hawaii.

On our way back south, we stopped to see the Pu’ukohola Heiau National Historic Site. A heiau is kind of a temple or place of worship. This particular heiau is one of the last to have been built (1790-91) before outside influences impacted traditional Hawaiian ways.

The Pu’ukohola Heiau

After learning about the social / political structure of the early Hawaiians, with the chiefs and priests and so on, and learning about people being put to death for breaking kapu, or for ruling land another chief wanted, and after seeing their various weaponry back at the Bishop Museum, Maya, while sitting under a shade tree at the Heiau site, said, “I’ll never think of Hawaiians as easygoing beach people again.”

Because we’d been so busy, we really didn’t manage to squeeze in much wandering and shopping since back on Oahu when we were hanging out in Chinatown. In the Waikaloa Village area, we stopped in at Reyn Spooner to search for proper Hawaiian shirts. It took a while to try everything on and make selections (I actually held out and found one I liked at Kahala instead, which I ordered after we were back home), so the kids were jonesing for a treat by then – one last shave ice, pleeeeeeeeese?

The nice fellow working at Reyn Spooner sent us over to Original Big Island Shave Ice Co. While the line for the place was lengthy, the texture of the shave ice was the best we’d had so far during this trip.

Pele’s hair

We took a little walk around the shopping center after this popping into stores as the urge hit us, buying a few little take-home treats here and there. Somewhere in our wandering, we saw a little display with different types of solidified lava and explanations for how it was formed. We saw the usual pahoehoe form that hardens from slow-flowing lava and looks (to me) like brownie batter. And there was the counterexample to the pahoehoe, a’a, which is loose and jaggedy and is created from faster moving flows. We also saw a terrifying thing called a volcanic bomb (which we had learned about yesterday as well during our Kilauea Iki hike). Globs of lava fly into the air and cool to solidification on the way back down. We saw one I hadn’t heard of before called Pele’s Hair. These are long strands that occur when lava is thrown into the air and stretched out by the wind.

On our way back down to Kailua Kona, we stopped in for one last long look at the weird dark black lava rock meets blue ocean water vistas around us. The kids chilled out in the car for a little whiel while we soaked up the last bit of Hawaii before we had to leave. We saw a few bikers come and go. Watched some folks who’d rented jeeps – probably to get to the top of Mauna Kea – take some photos and move on. And finally it was time for us to leave too. Sigh.

Kona Airport

We filled up the rental car and headed back to the airport. The Kona airport is kind of an open air marvel. This is our second time through this airport, and I still wonder what happens if it rains. We were “late” in the evening, so of course it was hard to find food places that were open and when they were open, that hadn’t run out of food. We managed to get dinner in and get to our gate with plenty of time to spare.

It’s sort of a weird experience walking out across the tarmac to get to your airplane, but I like it (again, we haven’t encountered rain yet – might be different then). We boarded our plane, started to taxi out to the runway, and then sat and waited for what felt like forever. They let us know there was a medical situation and that over the Pacific Ocean wasn’t the best place for that to escalate, so they taxied back to the gate and we waited a while longer for a person or people to be escorted from the plane. And it sounded like there may have been some clean up required as well. From where we were sitting, the details were a little vague. Probably that’s a good thing.

Heading out to board the airplane

As it was, by the time we left, we were probably two hours later than our original takeoff time. We were going to have had a 75 minute layover at LAX, but of course, that ship had sailed. However, on our Delta flight, we were able to use the onboard wifi for free (I can’t remember if this was available to all or if you had to be part of their frequent flier program), and so when our flight was irreparably delayed and we were definitely not making our connection, they rebooked us on the next available flight out of LAX and we simply had to confirm that change via their app. This all happened without us having to hustle to find a gate agent or desk agent who, in our past experience, have varying levels of interest in helping you.

We had plenty of time for breakfast, and so we did. And our flight from LAX to Austin went without a hitch. Our luggage made the flight change with us, so we were able to get home without further incident. And since we arrived home on a Saturday, we still had one more day to clean up and decompress a little before we started back to work.

We had an outstanding trip. Sean especially did a ton of planning, and other than suffering for not getting to do everything he had intended, I think the plan served us well. Were we to do another trip like this, rather than cramming three islands into just under two weeks, I think we’d visit no more than one island per week. The other thing we’d like to figure out is how to streamline our beach-going. The getting from car to ocean and from ocean to car wound up being a far lengthier process than it seemed like it should be. We’ve managed to extend the aloha a little longer by cooking some Hawaiian things, reading books set in Hawaii, and writing up these travel notes. The kids still grumble about the big hike, but they tell me they loved the trip too. It may not be Maine or Iceland, but I guess it’ll do.

The End of the Road – Kauai

Day 5 – Arrival in Kauai, Kilauea Lighthouse, Hanalei Town

After a flight that took less than an hour, we descended into absolute paradise. This is saying something given that we’d just spent several days on Oahu, which is no slouch in the gorgeous scenery department. We loaded into our rental car, and much to the kids’ delight, a nice family who was leaving the island that day gifted us with a boogie board that they couldn’t pack along on their flight.

Wailua Falls

We had a later reservation at Kilauea Lighthouse and needed to kill about a half hour. We stopped by for a few quick photos a Wailua Falls to pass the time. There is a lookout to these falls almost directly from the parking lot, which I was personally delighted about. After yesterday’s hike, my hamstring was still aching, so a quick walk from the car to the 140-foot waterfall sounded just about right for us.

By the time we finished there, we were actually in danger of being late for our lighthouse reservation, but we needn’t have worried. When we arrived at Kilauea Lighthouse, there was a huge line to enter. We wound up stuck in this line for probably 20-30 minutes before we finally got to park.

Red-footed Booby (check out the blue bill)

Kilauea Point is actually a national wildlife refuge, providing protection for vast quantities of seabirds. As we wandered the grounds, the movement in the air was nearly constant as birds fished the ocean below. Sean had his big camera out, trying to catch the action as the birds endlessly soared and swooped. We spotted, among other things, red-tailed tropicbirds, white-tailed tropicbirds, red-footed boobies, and great frigatebirds. Plus, a helpful employee pointed out a nesting wedge-tailed shearwater hanging out near the visitor’s center.

Kilauea Point

And Kilauea Point, the lighthouse on the grounds, was lovely as well. The Daniel K. Inouye Kilauea Point Lighthouse was built in 1912 and dedicated in 1913. Interesting note – there was no road serving the lighthouse till 1927 so needed supplies were brought in by boat until that time.

As is our habit, we were now behind the schedule Sean had made, but we soldiered on regardless. We made a quick stop to check out the Hanalei Valley overlook. Imagine a lush green farmed valley that supports taro fields with those abrupt volcanic mountains as a backdrop. I saw some rainy-season photos online that showed waterfalls cascading down the mountains. We didn’t see that, but it was gorgeous nonetheless.

We had a delightful lunch at Hanalei Gourmet. I don’t remember what anyone else ate, but I had some really excellent fish tacos. We took the kids over to the Holey Grail food truck to try out some doughnuts. As they ate, we got to watch a hen show her passel of chicks how to scratch back the dirt and search for bugs and worms.

Mom and Dad at Ha’ena Beach

We had intended to visit Tunnels Beach next. We had heard snorkeling there was great and that green sea turtles were often spotted there. A co-worker had raved about the density of parrotfish around that beach.

Alas, by the time we arrived, figured out where to park, rooted through multiple suitcases multiple times to gather towels, swim suits, goggles, and snorkel gear, and finally got changed, it was late and everyone was frustrated. No one wanted to walk the extra 15 minutes over sandy beach to get to Tunnels, so we played at Ha’ena Beach instead. The kids made ample use of the gifted boogie board, and Sean managed to do a little bit of low-key snorkeling at this beach as well. I ferried kids to and from the bathroom multiple times, but still managed to play in the water a little as well.

My ramen featured fish cake, seared tuna, and egg

As I recall, we had intended to make reservations for our dinner destination that night, Ama, but that even as early as Sean was, they were all gone by the time he checked. Luckily, they set aside some seating for walk-ins. We wandered in, fresh from the beach, and they seated us right away.

Maya and Ian ordered interesting mocktails. Mom and Dad ordered interesting cocktails, Sean continuing his survey of Hawaiian mai tais. We split an appetizer of seared Brussels sprouts that all four Woodses absolutely loved. The thing to order here are ramen bowls, and they are indeed delicious. The kids both love love love ramen, and so they were pretty excited about this restaurant. All of our noodle bowls were really well prepared, but Maya was the big winner with her laksa, which she kindly let us try. It was so flavorful!

Quick snapshot from our table at Ama

As good as the food was, the scenery was even better. At least where we were seated, the back of the restaurant is open to the outside. From our table, we could look out back and drink in the views of jewel-green Kauai mountains. It was such a relaxing way to end a day that had started so, so early.

And after all that, we finally found our hotel and checked in! The kids were delighted with the hotel’s open-air front desk and lobby area. Little birds would sometimes sneak in and the breeze was soft and pleasant.

Day 6 – Hanapepe Swinging Bridge, Waimea Canyon, Na Pali Coast Cruise

We got up early enough to see our first sight before having breakfast. We passed through the quiet town of Hanapepe and stopped just long enough to see their famous swinging bridge. It’s a pedestrian suspension bridge over the Hanapepe River. It was interesting, if a bit unnerving, to walk across this bridge with its swaying walkway and its twanging metal cables.

Hanapepe Swinging Bridge

We stopped at Aloha Sweet Delites for breakfast pastries. After carefully choosing from a well-stocked case, we ate breakfast in the car. My pineapple fritter was moist on the inside and crispy on the outside and very flavorful. Sean enjoyed these tiny little coconut custard filled doughnuts.

We spent the rest of our morning puttering around in Waimea Canyon. In deference to the huge hike we had planned for the next day, we tried to contain our visit to short walks and pullouts to scenic overlooks.

Maya and Ian on the red dirt waterfall

The Red Dirt Waterfall wasn’t particularly spectacular, but it was fun to clamber around on the red dirt and take in the surroundings. Ian in particular could range far and wide and run into very little trouble. The red dirt comes from the iron rich basalt oxidizing over time. I was just reading that apparently Waimea means “red water” in Hawaiian, and the famous Hawaiian red salt gets is color from oxidized basalt as well.

Waimea Canyon Lookout

The Waimea Canyon Lookout was incredible. They call Waimea Canyon the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, and to a certain extent, I can see why. The canyon is up to 2500 feet deep, about a mile and a half wide, and over 13 miles long. The porous volcanic rock has weathered in a stark and craggy way, exposing layers of often brightly colored rock. The abundant rainfall means the green does its level best to take over, providing a bright contrast to the grays and browns and reds. The main artery is the Waimea River, but there are side streams and canyons as well.

Pu’u Hinahina Lookout

The Pu’u Hinahina lookout gives you an alternate viewpoint on the canyon, sort of a ‘down the canyon’ view as opposed to an ‘across the canyon’ view from the first lookout. The Kalalau lookout faces out to the ocean in the Kalalau valley along the Na Pali coast. The tall cliffs loom next to impossibly blue water. Especially if you will see Na Pali no other way, this view is not to be missed.

We thought we might have time for one more small walk on our way back to town. We had read about a ten minute walk along the Cliff Trail that got you another pretty view of the canyon. What had been left out of that description was the high-clearance vehicle road you had to walk down (if you lacked a high clearance vehicle) to get to the start of that ten minutes. The view of the canyon from the opposite side was indeed lovely, but our twenty minute stroll wound up costing a lot more time and energy than anticipated. And that’s the story of how we ate McDonalds for lunch instead of Kauai Brewing Company.

Na Pali Coast!

We had to arrive on time for our big deal boat trip. We were going to see the Na Pali coast and enjoy dinner and a sunset on the ocean. We checked into our Holo Holo Na Pali coast boat ride and walked down to the dock. We left our shoes in a little cubby and boarded the boat barefoot. It turns out that traction and balance are easier if you aren’t wearing shoes. Fine by me!

After a safety briefing, we were on our way. They told us the closer we stood to the front of the boat, the more sea spray we would feel. Maya’s eyes lit up with delight. Ian wanted to stay in the back. In fact, poor dude was apparently not feeling too well, and he went into the cabin part of the boat, laid down on a cushion, and had a little nap. Our theory is that the Dramamine I insisted we all take was making him feel drowsy. Luckily, he emerged and seemed to enjoy the snacks and the ginger candy if nothing else. (I think he liked the boat ride some too.)

More coastline, sailboat for scale

Toward the beginning of the ride, we saw the island of Ni’ihau, except we didn’t know at the time exactly what we were looking at, so Maya asked the captain the name of the land mass we were seeing. After he told her, she grinned and insisted on calling in “meow” instead. Ni’ihau is interesting because it’s owned by the Robinson family so you really can’t visit it without permission or as part of a special tour (for which I’m sure someone needed permission). Evidently they’ve owned it since 1800 when a great-great-grandmother bought it from King Kamehameha V. The visitation restriction allows the Robinsons to preserve the island’s culture and natural beauty.

On our way to the Na Pali coast, Maya spotted flying fish several times. At one point, Hawaii spinner dolphins joined us, leaping out of the water and playing in the boat’s wake. As we passed the actual Na Pali cliffs (pali means cliffs in Hawaiian, so I’m saying the cliffs cliffs and it’s bugging me), we spotted several mountain goats and a few brave hikers. Along the way we saw tons of rugged coastline, several magnificent waterfalls, and some interesting sea caves.

Sea caves. The water was so many different colors of blue

We were on a sailboat, so we couldn’t venture into any of these caves. The notion was that we’d sail back after seeing the cliffs, but the wind was not in our favor. No worries though; I think we were able to go a little further along the coast since our return trip by motor would be a bit faster.

Maya liked riding up front

We were served drinks, snacks, dinner, and dessert, and a champagne toast to celebrate the sunset. The ride back to the dock was particularly bouncy, and Maya insisted on being up where the action was. And she wanted company. She and I were soaked through by the time all was said and done. The experience was amazing though. We took so many pictures, and I’m not sure any of them could really capture what it was like to be on the water with those massive cliffs towering over you. It was one of my favorite experiences of the trip.

Ian found his happy

That evening, Sean and I managed to get through about 2/3 of our accumulated laundry. Unfortunately, this meant that we were in bed somewhere around midnight. It wasn’t optimal for the big day ahead of us tomorrow, but today had been so spectacular, I’m not sure either of us cared.

Day 7 – Hanakapi’ai Falls Hike, Culinary Wonders of Foodland

When we had first picked up our rental car at the airport a couple days ago, the nice man helping us warned us about the lack of cell coverage on the island and that we should make sure we have a physical map. The one he gave us was pretty basic, but by and large, our route along the eastern and northern part of Kauai was the Kuhio Highway. If we ever found ourselves a bit off the beaten path and our cell coverage was no more, if we found our way back to the Kuhio Highway, we were in good shape. I had taken to calling it, The Road.

Well, The Road abruptly ended at our hiking adventure for today. Kuhio Highway essentially ends where the Kalalau trail begins. And we couldn’t even drive to the end ourselves; we would be taking a shuttle bus to Ha’ena State Park and heading to Hanakapi’ai Falls via that Kalalau trail.

Fresh as a bunch of daisies *before* the hike

This adventure actually started a month ahead of time, when Sean tried waking up early enough to be online at 5:00 in the morning (midnight Hawaii time) to make parking reservations at the actual state park. Alas, though he got up early, they were gone in milliseconds, and so we were left with no choice but to pay (overpay) for the parking shuttle.

Before our scheduled shuttle time at 7:40, we got ourselves packed with hiking essentials and drove to a nearby Foodland to pick up pastries for breakfast and sandwiches for a mid-hike lunch. We got to our shuttle parking in plenty of time and had about a 20 minute ride from the shuttle pickup point to the park. And then we had another five or so minutes of walking to get to our trailhead. This walk took us past some demonstration gardens and a turn off to go to Ke’e beach.

This hike is, to put it mildly, challenging, especially for sedentary office types and their elementary school aged kids. We waxed and waned on whether we should give over an entire day to this endeavor, but ultimately, Sean and I decided that we weren’t getting any younger and if we were going to attempt this hike, we better do it now.

Na Pali coast from along the Kalalau Trail

The hike starts with 2 miles along the Kalalau Trail. This trail moves along the Na Pali coast so there are plenty of uphills and downhills along fluted cliffs rife with vigorous tropical foliage and gorgeous ocean vistas. Then, you turn inland for two more miles hiking up the valley to the Hanakai’ai Falls. The falls are roughly 300 feet tall, and the really fun thing is that you can swim at the base of them. And then you reverse that and hike the four miles back out again.

Eight miles doesn’t sound too bad to seasoned hikers, but these are tough miles. By some reports, your total elevation gain is in the vicinity of 2500 feet. Once you turn to the falls trail, it becomes unmaintained. There are stream crossings and rock scrambles to negotiate, and all of this gets harder as you grow more tired.

Hanakapi’ai Beach

Somewhere along that first two miles, the kids saw a centipede. Apparently it scared the tar out of Ian, and all Maya could talk about seemingly forever was keeping on the lookout for another centipede. I think the hike was half dead to her by this point. For me, one of the weirdly pleasant things about the hike, other than the insane vistas, was the aroma of fallen lilikoi. At a few places along the route, there must have been passionfruit vines, because there’d be lilikoi fruit in various states of broken and squashed, and they filled the air with their delicate perfume.

Wild pattern on this tree trunk, and brilliant, multi-hued blue ocean in the background

We negotiated our first stream crossing right before the turn off to the falls trail. In wet season, I think it’s considered a fording situation, but we were able to “rock hop” our way across. All of that sounds innocent enough, but this is a large stream and the rocks we were hopping were often large boulders. Plus, we had one kid who was way too confident and another who was not confident enough. I am not a creature of grace on a good day. Add to that a bad back (which can make my balance poor) and the concern over the kids, and I had a really hard time with most of the crossings. Everyone made it across the first stream with their feet dry except for me. Luckily I could wring out my wool socks and have them be mostly wearable, but I would not recommend being 2 miles into an 8 mile hike and getting your socks wet.

We spent a little dab of time having snacks and seeing the Hanakapi’ai Beach. After that, as we ascended the valley toward the falls, the trail of course became much more difficult. We negotiated several more stream crossings on our way up. Sean managed to rock hop all of them. There was one that I just walked through barefoot, hiking boots tied together with a butcher’s knot and slung over my neck. The trail ended with a fairly difficult rock scramble, though maybe it would have been easier had we not just hiked four miles.

Our approach to Hanakai’ai Falls – nearly there

The Hanakapi’ai Falls themselves were gorgeous. Unfortunately, they were also very, very cold. After we sat and had our sandwiches and cleaned up, Ian put a toe in the water and noped out with a quickness. Sean and Maya wanted to swim under the falls, and they did briefly, but Sean said his muscles kind of seized up, and it became hard to move. I think backstroke was his savior on that one. Poor Maya, the one saving grace for this bullshit hike her parents drug her on was swimming in that waterfall, and then it was too cold to really relax and enjoy.

Ian and Dad at the Falls

For my part, I got in to about knee-height to refresh my feet and try to take photos of my intrepid swimmers. During all this, Ian puttered around on the bank, looking around for neat rocks.

Maya and Dad in the Falls

Because it had taken us so long to get to that point (it was around 2:00 in the afternoon when we finished up at the falls) that we didn’t really have a lot of time to swim. This is probably okay since the water was so cold anyway. But the last shuttle left at 6:40, so we would have to make better time on the way out.

Snack time. Only about 2 miles to go at this point.

That walk back was physically and mentally hard for all of us. The big payout had happened, so for Maya especially, there was not much to look forward to other than being done. Even Ian who is usually a bundle of energy and genuinely seems to like hiking was sick of it. For my part, if I’m trying to work through something that’s physically hard for me, hearing other people’s complaining is a huge, huge drain, so I was really struggling by the end. We stopped halfway through and had an afternoon snack and everyone forced smiles for the photos. We rolled into the pick up spot in time to make the 6:00 shuttle.

We stopped by Foodland again on our way home from the park and loaded up on drinks, pie, treats, sushi, and poke to have for dinner back at the hotel. It was an excellent and well-deserved feast after a very hard day. And then, Sean and I finished the rest of our laundry.

Was the big hike worth it? I think the answer is yes. The scenery was spectacular and at least 50% of the Woodses got to play in the big waterfall. I have a thumb injury that even in late September is still bothering me. Thanks to my wet socks, I have three toe nails that are eventually going to go (which has never happened to me on a hike before; I’m meticulous about foot care). Maya and Ian may never hike with us again. But, no one can take away the fact that we did it. We completed the challenging hike and saw all the pretty things. And as of this writing (late September), apparently the trail and campgrounds are closed due to a norovirus outbreak (yuck). So hey, at least *that* didn’t happen to us.

Day 8 – Puka Dog, Koloa Rum, Flight to the Big Island

Because everyone had worked so hard the day before, we rejiggered our plans so we could pack at a leisurely pace and let the kids have some pool time before we had to check out of our hotel. While at the pool, the kids found another family to bestow the gifted boogie board upon, so we didn’t even have to deal with carting that around.

Ian cannonball

We went back to Puka Dog afterward to fulfill Sean’s desire to have the much-loved treat from our 2008 trip again. Back then, there was one in Waikiki, but in researching for this trip, Sean discovered the only remaining location was on Kauai, near Poipu Beach park. (I looked around a little bit just now. Apparently the husband-wife founders of Puka Dog divorced and the Missus got the Oahu stores, which she was required to rename “Hula Dog.”) A puka dog is unique in that the bun fully encloses the hot dog or polish sausage. The way the central hole is created is for the bun to be stabbed onto a metal spike that toasts the interior. They have lovely sauces and relishes and you truly can customize it to your preferences.

Maya with a chick

Poipu Beach is likewise gorgeous. Once we collected our lunch order, we walked over to some picnic tables closer to the water to enjoy our puka dogs with salt breeze in our hair. The food was good, but Maya and Ian’s favorite part was that they met a hen and her chicks as they wandered unafraid amongst the picnic tables, seeking out crumbs. The kids even managed to briefly and gently hold the little chicks, which tickled them to no end. Mama hen didn’t even seem to mind that much. Maybe she was happy for the break.

Little mai tai at Koloa Rum

After this, we walked the beach a bit, but I think everyone was too tired to bother about swimming. And then it was time to head to Koloa Rum for our 1:00 tasting. The kids again hung out in the car, puttering with their screens, excited to have the extra screen time.

We started our tasting with a small mai tai on which we floated their dark rum. We sampled their silver, dark, gold, coconut, and cacao rums. They were all good (except the coconut one was too sweet for me); we thought we might seek out the cacao one when we were back in Austin, but I don’t think we’ve done so yet.

Plumeria, making the air smell nice

There wasn’t a ton of time before our flight to the Big Island, so we spent the next little while just puttering around lovely Kauai, soaking up the last bit of its pretty mountains and greenery. The Lihue airport is tiny. Other than having nowhere for us to refill our water bottles, our flight was uneventful.

Waking up the Dragon – Oahu

We struggled mightily with our big summer vacation this year. First we were planning to go to Boston and up into Maine. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get reservations for the puffin visiting boat tour I had my heart set on. Ok fine, you know where else we can see puffins? Iceland. We were a goodly way into thinking this was going to be the trip for us when we realized that everyone else had gotten their accommodation booked well ahead of us and there just weren’t many options left. We waffled for a bit, but Sean eventually talked us into Hawaii.

I wasn’t entirely convinced since there are so many places to visit and we had already been to Hawaii, twice. Once in 2008 we went for an excellent trip with Sean’s family to see the Big Island, Maui, and Oahu. Then in 2018, Sean talked us into taking Maya and Ian to the Aulani resort, which is on Oahu. Sean is hardcore Disney, and this is a Disney resort. Plus, Maya was way into Moana at the time, and the kids were young enough to believe they were really meeting the characters. Eventually, I relented and we started trip planning as quickly as we could.

There wasn’t a ton of time to plan, so we wound up using Costco Travel to book the hotels and inter-island flights. I didn’t examine our options the way Sean did, but he seemed satisfied with the process and the outcome.

We were sweating it leading up to the trip. Lolli and Pop had sent us home early from our Alabama visit in hopes of us avoiding whatever illness they had picked up, but it seemed like everyone had varying degrees of not-quite-right as our departure time approached.

You won’t believe all the stuff we crammed into those bags

We were almost entirely packed by the Sunday before our Monday morning flight, but had been slowly gathering gear for a couple weeks. We had plans for snorkeling, hiking, swimming, and photography, all things that require some specialized gear. And all that gear wound up consuming a LOT of space. In fact, because we wanted to take our trekking poles, we wound up buying a bigger suitcase. As we zipped up our bags, we worried about trunk space in the average rental car. It was going to be tight.

Day 1 – Flight, Monkeypod, Waikiki Beach

We scored a direct flight on Hawaiian Air from Austin to Honolulu. We managed to get out the door on time, and the airport was a normal level of busy, so we had no trouble catching the flight. We were amused to notice that instead of gate 13, there was a gate marked with an infinity symbol. Apparently it’s an interactive art installation called “Interimaginary Departures” and it’s been there since 2021. We’ve just not noticed before now. Next time we have spare airport time, we’ll have to examine it in more detail.


The flight was long but uneventful. We landed a little after 1p local time, but didn’t secure our bags till well after 2p. A nice lady arranged via Costco Travel plied all of us with beautiful, fresh flower leis and showed us to the shuttle bus that would eventually deposit us and our massive luggage at the hotel. Since we were the very last stop on the route, we didn’t get checked in till around 3p.

Monkeypod mai tais, complete with a generous topping of lilikoi foam

We were determined to plow through the jet lag, so we immediately headed out to wander along the street by Waikiki Beach on our way to Monkeypod for happy hour. We were all looking a little careworn and scruffy, but they still plunked us right at a prime table. We had a lovely view of the ocean, had ready access to the bar, and were delighted to find we were near a very talented live musician.

Mocktails at Monkeypod

Sean and I of course had the famous Monkeypod Mai Tais, complete with a lovely dollop of lilikoi foam. The kids had mocktails, and we all split some snacks as well. We watched the waves coming in on the ocean, sipped our drinks, and listened to the gentle guitar and effortlessly yearning voice of our musician as he belted out his own rendition of radio classics through the ages. We were all sort of in low power mode, listening to the man sing, when I hear “Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down …” I couldn’t help laughing out loud and poking the kids. We came all the way to an oceanside bar in Oahu … to get Rick-rolled.

The beach has always been Maya’s happy place

Suitably happy-houred, we headed back to the hotel to change into bathing suits and go play in the waves at the nearby beach. Maya was sad that thanks to a wave-break wall shielding a large portion of Waikiki beach, she wouldn’t be getting pummeled with waves. So she was extra thrilled to find that the wall ended just about where we accessed the beach from our hotel. That kid loves to let the waves crash against her, often diving headlong into them. Even Ian was diving into them with her.

After a post-beach shower, I could very happily have gone to sleep. The kids insisted they were hungry though and needed dinner. We got ourselves seated at Maui Brewing Co maybe a little after 8p. Keep in mind that to our internal clocks, this felt like 1:00 in the morning, and we’d been going all day. Dinner was fine, but by the end poor Ian had more or less fallen asleep sitting upright at the table. And even Maya confessed to being tired.

Day 2 – Daimond Head, Ko Hana, Stand-up Paddleboarding, Shark’s Cove

We didn’t rent a car for the full time we were on Oahu because so much of the stuff we wanted to see was in town and because parking at our hotel was really expensive. So for this, our North Shore day, Sean left the hotel room early to fetch a rental car from a place called Sixt. My job was to corral our children and all of our stuff for the day out of the hotel room and down to the street so he could scoop us up without having to find anywhere to park.

Myna bird trying for all he’s worth to score some breakfast handouts

After loading up the car, we headed straight for Rainbow Drive-In for breakfast. At the advice of someone in line, Sean wound up ordering the Portuguese sausage fried rice and eggs and holy wow was it good. The rest of us did ok, but I think this is the kind of place where you have to order a few things a few different ways to dial in your preferences. Maya was supremely irritated that there were signs everywhere forbidding her from feeding the avian left that clearly flocked to the place in search of a handout. Ian had a myna bird straight up try to steal the waffle from his plate. Later on that myna bird plopped himself on the bench between Maya and Ian, patiently waiting for scraps.

After breakfast, we headed out for our scheduled access to Diamond Head. I don’t remember us having to schedule everything ahead of time back in 2008. We’re wondering if this is a holdover from the pandemic, or if it’s meant as an antidote to overcrowding, or maybe both. I had the QR code for the reservation pulled up on my phone, having made it a couple weeks earlier. Sean handed it over to the guy checking reservations as we drove in, and he said something like, “this is all good, but you have the wrong day.” Every ounce of the paranoia at my middle-aged brain not performing as expected – a paranoia that has been steadily increasing over the past months – washed over me in a wave of disappointment, self-doubt, and a smidge of self-loathing. I could totally believe that I had screwed that up. He didn’t let me suffer for more than a beat though before he grinned and said he was just kidding. We were good to go.

Woodses at Diamond Head

It had been raining to varying degrees all morning and we were a little worried for our hike (the reservation was for a two hour block, but you had to arrive for your pre-paid parking in the first 30 minutes of that block). Luckily, we didn’t wait in the parking lot for more than a few minutes before it had cleared up enough to start the hike.

View of Waikiki from Diamond Head

It was a little muddy and slippery and there was some kerfuffle over which kid should be in the lead. And there were a LOT of people. Overall though, it was a very pleasant, if sweaty hike. The views of Waikiki and Honolulu from the top of the crater were spectacular. Also around the top you could see various World War II era bunkers and peer down at the Diamond Head Lighthouse.

Sean and I wanted to try a rum tasting at the Ko Hana rum distillery on our way to the North Shore. We let the kids hang out in the car and play on screens, since they were too young to enter. The day was overcast, and they were delighted with the extra screen time.

Such lovely rum

We shared an aged flight and a classic flight. The aged flight offered tastes of their Koho aged rum, their Koa which is aged in Koa wood, their Kila cask strength, and their Kokoleka cacao and honey rum, which we had picked up as well during our 2018 trip to Oahu, when the distillery was still known as Manulele Distillers. These were all delicious to be sure. My classic flight offered something we hadn’t really experienced before. The Koho and Kokoleka were the same as with the aged flight, but we also tried two different versions of the Kea (white) rum.

Many varieties of sugarcane are grown for Ko Hana’s rum production (the Ko in their name means “sugarcane” in Hawaiian), and these two white rums were distilled from different varieties of sugar cane to produce two different “expressions” of their Kea / white rum. Our tasting guide, on hearing that we strongly preferred one to the other, also let us know that the one we liked better had been pot-stilled instead of column-stilled. (She also, on hearing us natter on and on about the flavors and different distilling processes, let us try a bit of a special high-proof release of their white rum that was absolutely fabulous, so much so that we purchased a bottle.)

The shrimp at Giovanni’s were pretty fantastic

We had lunch at Giovanni’s Shrimp Truck. The trailer park it was in was cuh-razy crowded and it took a while to even get our shrimp ordered. In the mean time, Ian needed the rest room, and those can be tricky to come by. Luckily, the trailer park must have worked something out with a nearby shop owner to allow patrons of the various restaurants to use their facilities.

Eventually, we got back from our trek to the bathroom, secured ourselves a picnic table (no easy feat) and laid waste to some excellent piles of garlicky, buttery shrimp served alongside plain white rice. It was messy, it was crowded, it was loud. And it was so, so good. Plus, even with the throngs of people, we still managed to be visited by a handful of meandering chickens, much to the kids’ delight. (I think it was here that we even saw a duck family waddling through.) I swear I don’t recall the chickens being quite so … populous last time we were here.

Ian on the paddle board

We had a little time to kill before our next scheduled outing, so we thought we’d try to sneak in a little snorkeling. After being confronted with three completely full beach parking lots, we gave up and arrived early for our family stand-up paddle board lesson. It worked out fine though because 1 – it wasn’t super duper clear where we were to meet our instructor for our lesson and 2 – she was prepared to start early anyway if we liked.

Maya on the paddle board

We spent a bit of time on the beach learning how to get up on our boards and how to stand. Then, one by one, she let us try it out. Everyone managed to stand up and paddle at least a little bit, except me. It’s frustrating because I really only got one try at it, and when it comes to physical stuff, I am just not a natural. But, I’m determined (stubborn?), and I would have gotten it if I’d been able to try a bit longer. Alas, most of our lesson time was actually consumed by a scenic paddle up the ‘Anahulu River. We all sat comfortably on our paddle boards. Honestly, if you aren’t trying to stand up, they don’t feel tippy at all. If you can paddle a kayak, you can do this.

Sea turtle napping on the river bank

We got to see sea turtles lounging on the banks of the river. The folks who could comfortably stand up on their boards kept pointing them out swimming through the water as well. I guess from our seated angle, they weren’t as visible. The kids saw lots of crabs scuttling about, as well as a couple of feral cats. Poor Ian apparently saw a huge, hairy spider, which he described at length. As we paddled back out into the bay, Maya had jetted way, way ahead of us and so it was an anxious paddle till we could get back and lay eyes on her and confirm all was well.

After our lesson / tour was over, we decided to give snorkeling another shot. We had gotten some parking advice from our paddle board instructor, and so we’d have a backup plan if the parking lots were full. We made our way to Shark’s Cove. Fear not, its name doesn’t come from the many sharks that make their home here, but instead for a rock formation that is said to resemble a shark.

So many fish, so many snorkelers (this one happens to be Maya)

The area where we snorkeled was sort of like a giant tide pool. It was largely protected by walls of rock, so you didn’t get jerked around by waves. The fish who had wandered in at high tide couldn’t really get out during low tide. Also, they were used to humans, so, as it was described to us, it was like snorkeling in an aquarium.

I personally struggled a little at first because Ian was sick of salt water and didn’t want to do it. He wanted to hang out on shore. Because I’m Mom, I’m the one he comes to a lot of the time with these grievances because I will take care of him, hang out with him, entertain him. Sean helpfully pointed out to me that he was nine years old and could play on shore by himself. And so, with some hesitation, I finally calmed down and let myself enjoy the water.

Mom needs to learn to relax

The light wasn’t great because it was well after 5 by this point, but the water was jam packed with marine life. Schools of big-eyed silver fish would sort of zip back and forth in unison in front of you. Bright yellow fish, weird dark fish with orange protuberances, deeply patterned tang-shaped fish – you really could just stay still and watch the action happening around you. I finally caught on that people sort of float in salt water, and so, even though I don’t really swim, I could comfortably float around and gaze at the creatures and not worry too much. Sean and both the kids are good swimmers, so I could honestly just relax.

Gorgeous sunset at Shark’s Cove

We stayed in that water till just shy of sunset. We collected Ian and showered off and got into our dry clothes (a sentence which is easy to type and much less so to execute). Then, on the way to the car, we were treated to an epic multi-hued sunset as well.

We closed out our day the way started it – at Rainbow Drive-In. Sean and I shared a loco moco, Maya had a mahi plate, and Ian had a hot dog and fries.

Day 3 – Chinatown, Bishop Museum, International Market Place

Today we mostly traveled by Uber, Lyft, or our own two feet. We started our day at Kamehameha Bakery. The selection was pretty overwhelming, and there was nowhere to sit, but we managed to enjoy our haul while hanging out in the parking lot. I tried out their specialty: poi doughnuts. Now, I’m gonna be honest. Poi is not something I personally get excited about. It is considered sacred in Hawaiian culture, but to my tongue at least it’s not all that flavorful. Poi doughnuts are a whole ‘nother thing though. The texture is a dream – so moist! And the doughnuts had just the right amount of sweet from the glaze.

The rest of the various pastries were good too, and all of us seemed to enjoy our breakfast. As we were getting ready to head to our next destination, a nice lady in the parking lot stopped us wanting to know how we had found out about this place. She seemed astonished to see tourists there. Maybe she just didn’t want the secret getting out.


We headed to Chinatown next to see about a walking tour that we had read could be arranged through the Hawaii Heritage Center. Everything on their website said walk-ins were welcome, but we seemed to have caught them off guard. My advice would be to call regardless, just to be sure everything’s set.

We learned much more than we would have had we just been wandering around. Our guide taught us a little about Chinese funeral customs, the Chinese zodiac, and the original arrival of Chinese folks in Hawaii as laborers for the sugarcane fields. We visited (among other places) both the Mauna Kea Market and the Oahu Market. We got to try a variety of small treats – for example, Ian learned that he very much loves fresh lychee. Maya learned that she likes dried shrimp chow fun. We ate so much that we wound up skipping lunch.

Guardian lion – I think this one is the male

After seeing a dragon mural in the street, our guide explained to us that before the dragon comes to dance at a festival, you must first wake up it up. I read a little bit about it later and there’s a whole unique ritual around waking the dragon before it can dance involving spoken words and brushing the dragon with real or imagined water. The eyes are often left covered until it is properly awakened, and then the covering is removed and the dancers begin.

Maya had learned a little about Chinese language and culture in her fourth grade year (Ian is learning about it this school year), and so she was particularly engaged. She kept her eye out for moon gates and could pick out which of the lion statues guarding Chinatown was the female and which was the male based on what they were holding.

King Kamehameha, at the Aliʻiōlani Hale, near the Iolani Palace

From there we took a walk to see the exterior of the Iolani Palace. This is the only official royal residence in the United States. We thought the kids would only have stamina for one museum type experience, especially after the cultural walking tour this morning, so we confined our visiting to the palace and the iconic King Kamehameha statue in front of the Ali-iolani Hale government building.

Instead, we took the kids to the Bishop Museum, which is a natural and cultural history museum. The Hawaiian Hall and Pacific Hall were excellent – there was a giant whale dangling from the ceiling and so many interesting artifacts to examine. It wasn’t all roses though. We were surprised to find that their planetarium show doesn’t run on Wednesdays (this is clear on their website, if you check the right place ahead of time, so I’ll take the hit on that one – the sample itinerary I looked at described it as a “daily planetarium show” so hopefully I can be forgiven).

Inside the Bishop Museum

We were saddened to discover that their lava experience wasn’t operational … and later that their deep sea tank was undergoing renovations. I really enjoyed what we saw and was delighted that the kids are finally reading signs and placards at museums, even if they tell us it’s just to keep from getting bored. Alas though, if we had known about all the things that weren’t available to us, it probably wouldn’t have been worth the price of admission.

From there, we headed to the International Market Place to do a little shopping and admire the huge open-air spaces in the mall. The kids (and adults) lingered outside the cat cafe for a little while – we were already missing our kitties. We found lychee-flavored Ramune sodas at a Japanese market. We sampled soooo many cookies at the Honolulu Cookie Company.

Banyan tree at the International Market Place

Anchoring the mall is the Banyan Court, which features a huge banyan tree around which the marketplace was constructed. This tree once held Donn Beach’s original treehouse. Apparently back in the day, he lived in and worked out of this treehouse, sharing tiki culture with all comers. There is a treehouse sort of thing there still, paying homage to Mr. Beach.

Muragami Udon

After finding some rocking chairs and relaxing a bit, we all walked more or less across the street for dinner at Muragame Udon. The line was predictably out the door when we arrived, but it moved along pretty quickly. We ordered our main noodles and then were sent through a sort of cafeteria style line to collect broth and trimmings. Sean and Ian had some tempura as well. Maya tried out a spam musubi, which she discovered she loved. I took a crack at a different sort of noodle bowl – it was called nikutama and it featured a soft boiled egg and sweet, shaved beef. It was a delight.

We headed back and let the kids play at the pool after dinner. Both our hotel room and the pool area had a lovely view of Diamond Head, so Sean and I relaxed on some lawn chairs and let the kids play and play.

Day 4 – Koko Crater, East Coast, Manoa Chocolate, Kailua Beach

Sean again fetched a rental car for today’s adventures (they rented him a BMW 5-series, which I think made him a slightly nervous – we had lots of messy plans for the day). We had intended to start our day at the main location of Leonard’s Bakery for malasadas, but decided the crowd wasn’t going to work for our schedule and tried out one of their parking lot “malasadamobiles” instead. It worked out well enough. The parking lot surroundings weren’t necessarily the most scenic but we had a gentle egret stalking our every move, so that was kind of fun.

Our breakfast friend – a cattle egret – at one of the Leonards “malasadamobiles”

Today was our big Koko Crater hike. This hike isn’t particularly long, but there’s a catch. Rather than a series of switchbacks taking you the slow way up the crater, you instead are instead hiking on old tramway tracks in a straight line up the crater wall. (These tracks, now unused, belonged to an incline tram that was used during World War II to haul supplies to a lookout post at the top of the crater.) It was like hiking up stairs for 0.8 miles, 1048 according to online sources. We didn’t count them. Also, the trail is mostly in full sun, and wow were we feeling it. It was brutal both uphill and down, but the views were amazing. My synopsis: I’m glad I did it once, but I don’t need to do it again.

1048 steps, or so we hear

Ian absolutely tore up the trail. He’d jet ahead of us and then sit and wait for us to catch up. Sometimes Maya would jet along with him, sometimes she would hang with us. This was particularly nerve-wracking because there’s a section of track partway up that is a bridge, so it has no ground under it. There’s nothing particularly hard about it as long as you’re careful, but I would hardly accuse our children of being careful.

Later on, as we neared the top of the trail, we heard a couple of guys coming back down the trail good-naturedly discussing the kid at the top of the trail who thought the trail was sooooo easy. I distinctly heard, “that little shit; someday he’ll be old too.” I asked them if it was a boy with long blond hair. Yup. The little shit in question was Ian. Go figure.

We went to the top, but this wasn’t *quite* to the top yet.

The view at the top was spectacular, and we took our time sitting to have a snack, taking photos, and generally resting. The way back down was certainly easier, but not easy. Poor Maya, who is almost obsessively apprehensive about bees and wasps and the like, kept seeing these tiny little wasps. We’d tell her to calm down, just keep walking, those wasps don’t have any interest in her. Welp, sure enough, as she was climbing down a trail to bypass the open tracks of the bridge, one of those wasps had been flying around her legs. It stung her as she was deeply bending her legs to navigate the rocks. She weathered it well and even seemed proud of how well she coped, but I hate that all her terrible fears are now confirmed.


When we read about it, this was described as an hour-long hike. These two middle-aged, sedentary office types spent about three hours all told, including snacks at the top and plenty of lingering for photos and rests. By this point, our idea of a schedule was kind of shot, so we rejiggered. We went first for a post-hike shave ice at a place called Kokonuts. This kids had scoops of ice cream hiding in theirs. Sean had some condensed milk added to his. The flavors were bright and the ice cooled us down, which I think we all needed.

Ono Seafood – there was a plumeria tree in the parking lot

We drove then to Ono Steak and Shrimp, a place Sean was particularly looking forward to trying out, and were dismayed to find that it was closed, in need of gas-line repairs. Instead, we backtracked a little and wound up at Ono Seafood. (In Hawaiian, ono means “good” or “delicious” or is a name for a wahoo fish.) They had poke! In fact, they even had some made with salmon, which Ian prefers over the more traditional tuna. For the second time that day, we ate in a parking lot. (Third probably, if you count the shave ice.)

After lunch, we drove for a while along the scenic coastline, stopping at various lookouts, trying to see if the Halona blowhole was blowing. Either the tide wasn’t quite right for that to happen or we weren’t looking the right direction. Regardless, the views were stunning and it was a nice way to further our resting.

Beautiful Oahu coastline

For the kids (read: Sean), we stopped at Manoa Chocolate for a tasting. Bernadette, our tasting guide at KoHana Rum had told us to look for Kai at Manoa. As luck would have it, Kai was our tasting guide at the chocolate factory. As he tells us, he and Bernadette have been sending each other business for years. You could do worse than rum and chocolate, to be sure.

Along with samplings of their various chocolates, we sprung for each of to have a spritz made with pressed cacao juice and water. We also had tea brewed from cocoa nibs as our palate cleanser between chocolate bites. It was a delightful experience. After purchasing way too much chocolate, we wound up going to Kailua Beach so the kids could play in the ocean for a while. I had pulled or stressed on of my hamstrings during that morning’s hike, so I mostly sprawled out on a towel under a shade tree and rested and watched chickens while Sean and the kids played.

Shave ice!

After cleaning sand out of every crevice imaginable, we made our way back to Honolulu. At the suggestion of one of our Uber drivers yesterday, we stopped at Helena’s for dinner. Apparently this place has been around since 1946! They serve traditional Hawaiian food, largely a la carte. Like many places, they close quite early, and we snuck in not long before closing. We asked first if it was ok, and they were supremely welcoming. We picked several different things to try. We discovered that lomi lomi salmon has too much other stuff in it for Ian to enjoy the salmon, but kalua pig is excellent. Maya learned that she is fond of chicken long rice … and kalua pig. They are known for their haupia, and I can understand why.

Waikiki lights from the Royal Hawaiian

The kids and I hauled all our stuff back up to the room while Sean returned the rental car. We ended our evening with Mai Tais and mocktails at the Royal Hawaiian. The Mai Tai Bar was packed, but they still found us a nice table. The comparison to our more spare surroundings at Helena’s was almost jarring, but we enjoyed it nonetheless. Sadly, once we were back at the hotel, we had to get cleaned up and pack. The Woodses were in for an early morning.

Day 5 – Off to Kauai!

We woke up WAY too early to catch to our 5:15a shuttle bus to the airport. Even with multiple stops to collect more people, we were through security more than two hours before our flight departed, bone tired and with limited breakfast options. I think we wound up with Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts that morning. Our flight boarded and departed with no issues.

Les Minions

It’s been so long now, I can’t even remember how July started. Other than Maya’s swim team practices, we had a bit of a camp reprieve at the beginning of the month. So it only made sense that I would get sick.

It started out benignly enough with a little sore throat. Then some congestion was added. My body felt like it does when I have a fever, but I don’t think my temperature got much beyond the 99s. We had bought all the stuff to make a swanky lobster bisque on 4th of July, so I muscled through that, though I mostly just wanted to rest. Then because I didn’t feel well, no one in our house bothered about fireworks. It was a very subdued celebration of our country’s independence.

The next day, I’m not even sure why, I decided to take a COVID test. I haven’t had a test come back as quickly or as affirmatively positive as this one did. I was in the middle of texting Sean to see how long you were supposed to wait for a line to appear when I noticed it rapidly and boldly emerging next to the control line. Thankfully no one in the house got sick. Because COVID wasn’t even really on my radar, I wasn’t being obsessively cautious, and I was under the weather for a few days before it occurred to me to test.

Our month was pretty low key. We watched the movie Chef with the kids, and were inspired to make Cubanos, courtesy of a youtube recipe from Brian Lagerstrom. The pork was divine, and bread was exactly what I want from sandwich bread. The kids were largely content with just pork and bread. Sean and I went in for the whole mustard, cheese, pickle, pressed sandwich thing. It was a good experience.

Ian is trying his hand at cake decorating

Ian had been watching a show called, “Is It Cake?” The premise is that these incredibly talented baker/artists make cakes that legit look like real life objects and in a comparison, contestants have to decide which is actually cake. Ian decided that he’d like to try his hand at cake decorating. We started simple with an iced chocolate cake. He has asked to try a confetti cake next.

The weekend of the 14th, Maya had her last of three swim meets on her fun summer league. Her favorite stroke is butterfly, but she’s fastest at backstroke. In fact, if she weren’t so worried about bonking her head on the wall (a real concern, to be sure), she’d be very fast. I hear this backstroke speed is hereditary (her dad).

The next week, both kids had camp. Ian went to a Lorcana camp at the comic book store, which by all accounts he adored. Maya tried out a songwriting camp. She’s musically very talented and competent, but she very much prefers to do things on her own rather than in a group. The group aspect of songwriting camp was going to stretch her a bit, and I think Sean and I were both apprehensive about how well she’d like it. We needn’t have worried. Every day she was excited to go, and when we picked her up, she’d babble endlessly about all the things they had done that day. She’s already planning to go back next summer and has been working on Ian to try it out too.

The evening of the 19th, after camps were all done, we loaded up the car and headed partway to Alabama for Camp Lollipop. Maya and Ian would spend the week hanging out with their grandparents. We would spend the week working from Alabama. It seemed like a good arrangement.

Our hotel in Shreveport had a lot of “character.” The AC didn’t work, the blackout shades didn’t black out, and to top it all off, the coffee machine didn’t work. Oh, also, the clock was wonky – it was always 2:25p, no matter what. We weren’t really there long enough for it to matter much; mostly it was a place for us to sleep a bit, so no big deal.

Maya and Gumball

Lolli and Pop had a dance that Saturday evening, but we managed to roll into Homewood in time to see them a bit before they headed out. After much dithering, we tried a place called Sam’s Deli for dinner. Sean and I loved the dinners we ordered. Their falafel was amazing! The kids were maybe less excited about the chicken fingers they got from there.

On Sunday, we rested, at least in the morning. The kids chose Nothing But Noodles for lunch, and it was on the way there that we learned the startling news that President Biden had dropped out of the 2024 presidential race against Donald Trump and had endorsed his vice president Kamala Harris instead. It’s one of those historic, unprecedented kinds of things that can’t help but dominate the lunch conversation. And the kids seemed to be listening too, because they definitely had questions.

Pop took the Maya and Ian to the pool, much to their delight. If someone would take them to the pool every single day, I think they’d be happy. Our fun event for that evening was to go see the Despicable Me 4 movie at the Grand River Drive-In in nearby Leeds.

They have a really nice set-up there. There’s sort of an attached food court area where you can secure food and drinks from a handful of eateries. We went to fetch the family some dinner to eat during the movie and holy wow were they out of everything the kids might have liked. There was no red sauce for pizza and their fryer was out of service so no french fries. It was tricky finding food the kids would eat, but we more or less managed.

When we got back, the movie was just starting, so we missed a little of the beginning, but no big deal. The kids were there with Lolli and Pop, so they saw it. Our car was a little fussy. To hear the audio, we tuned to a particular FM frequency, but in accessory mode, our car just kind of shut off every so often and our audio had to be re-started. For us at least, it was a little hard to hear unless we were sitting inside the car. If we were to do this more frequently, we’d need to find a good audio solution for chilling out near the car in our lawn chairs. There was definitely plenty of room for us to do that. Still, everyone had a really good time. Gru and the minions are a hoot, as always.

Pop, Maya, Ian, and Lolli at the Cook Museum

On Monday, Sean and I set up to work, and Lolli and Pop took the kids to the Cook Museum of Natural Science in Decatur for the day. Maya and Ian’s favorite part of that experience was getting to work a mining sluice. They got a sack of mining dirt and sifted off the dirt in the running water to see what sort of gemstones had been hiding in their bag. Ian tells me one of his is an emerald, so that’s pretty exciting. Then, after all that fun, Lolli took them for their obligatory run to the pool.

That evening, the kids chose Okinawa Sushi for dinner. I think Okinawa may be the kids’ most eagerly anticipated meal when they visit Lollipop. They get cool Ramune sodas, excellent sushi, and even miso soup. What’s not to like!

Fancy ice cream cones at Big Spoon

After Okinawa, we went to Big Spoon Creamery for ice cream, mostly at my request. I don’t crave sweets often, but every once in a while, I love a good ice cream. They had a unique variety of flavors. Ian had a basil flavored ice cream that was to die for. Maya, with her coffee affinity had one called caramelatte. I had a corn and blackberry one, and Sean had the peach and bourbon cobbler flavored ice cream.

Pop had been starting to get sickly already on Sunday. By Tuesday, Lolli was well into her illness as well. It was decided that in the best interest of everyone, we should head back home. We worked through the day and then loaded up and headed halfway home that evening, finishing our drive on Wednesday. The drive home was uneventful, though the kids were sad their visit was cut short.

We pass the time on long road trips by listening to audiobooks with the kids. On the way out, we listened to Swindle, by Gordon Korman, which was geared to younger kids. It was maybe a hair boring for the adults, but the kids seemed to enjoy it. On the way back home, we started listening to Divergent, by Veronica Roth. They really seemed to get into this one, so while it may seem a little “old” for a 9- and 11-year-old, for ours it was spot on.

Nox is helping us pack for our big Hawaii trip

We mostly used our unanticipated extra time at home to try to pack for our big summer vacation ahead of time. We wouldn’t be flying out till Monday the 29th, so for a change, we had time to lay everything out, check and double check that we were remembering necessary items for specific outings, and even purchase a few last-minute things. It was as un-chaotic as packing for a trip has managed to be, since we’ve had kids.

And then we flew to Hawaii.


Right away after we got back from our Missouri road trip, Maya started a six-week summer swim team, and Ian went to art camp. In fact, our entire June was full of swim team every weekday and either one or both kids in camp. Because Sean and I were working also, it wound up being very hectic getting everyone where they needed to go and with all the right stuff every day!

Ian’s Totoro from art camp. He doesn’t like it, but I think it’s cute.

The second week, Maya had art camp and Ian went to bouldering camp (which he adores). Then the next week, they both went to Pokemon camp. And then Maya had a week where she only had daily swim team practice while Ian had basketball camp. Whatever vision of a lazy summer I might have entertained very quickly evaporated with all that running around.

Maya’s octopus from art camp.

Sean and I took a crack at implementing a few dietary changes this month, which has made meal planning a little more interesting. We’re starting small – trying to only have red meat once a week (and instead trying to eat more seafood). And we’re trying to seriously curtail added sugars in our food. This is a big one for Sean, who has a massive sweet tooth. It didn’t impact me as much, so instead I focused on avoiding school night beers (and their added calories). I’m very proud of my spouse – he’s managing pretty well reducing his sugar intake.

Adult and baby fox, enjoying the ground feeder

We have had some really great animal action in our yard this month. Mama fox (who we call Foxy Cleopatra) has visited a few more times, but so have her babies! We have seen at least a pair of them playing around back there. The little kits are actually more nervous about visiting the feeder than the big foxes, which I was a little surprised about.

Deer hanging out in our front yard shrubs

We had a deer sleeping in our front shrub bed for a couple days. That was kind of startling because she was right by the door. The striped skunk visited at least one more time. There are countless birds and squirrels of course, drawn to the various feeders we put out. I hate the heat here, but I love our big-windowed house and its well-traveled backyard.

Mid-month, we went to a sandlot baseball game at The Long Time with the cub scouts. It was pretty hot, and I’m not sure the kids were all that interested in the game, but it was an interesting idea. It would be a neat little venue to watch a game, but it might be more fun once it got dark out.

Maya and ribbons from her first swim meet

Sean’s Father’s Day was pretty busy. He and the kids got up nice and early so they could go on a bike ride before it got too hot. Then we got to go watch Maya’s first ever swim meet, during which she did very well. And then finally, we went home, had homemade thin-crust pizza, and opened gifts.

Happy Father’s Day!

The pizza we made was Brian Lagerstrom’s Tavern Style Chicago Thin Crust Pizza. Sean happened upon his YouTube channel in looking at something else, but quickly found his way to this recipe. We’ve made it several times since, and it’s been a hit every time, so it’s probably part of our regular rotation now.

Homemade thin-crust pizza for Father’s Day

The next weekend, Ian went bouldering with his friend Damian, and then they had a sleepover! With all the camp running around, it’s been hard to find time and energy to arrange social visits. It’s probably something to keep in mind when we think about structuring things next summer.

Ian and his friend Damian at the bouldering gym

That same weekend, Maya participated in a fundraising car wash for her swim team’s end of season party. As a very tall kid, she wound up mostly be in charge of “washing high.” Weirdly, I think she liked the work well enough.

And we closed out the month by meeting friends at Cidercade. I love this place. I can’t remember if I’ve talked about it before, but you pay a flat fee and then everyone plays all the games they want, no quarters or tokens or cards required. You don’t earn points. There is no prize counter. You just go, play games, and if you so desire, drink hard cider and eat pizza. We pay for the kids to have bottomless soda, which delights them. I think on this particular day, we spent maybe 4 hours playing games and eating lunch and catching up. It was the low effort hang out that we needed after a month of camp and swim team craziness.

Happy Sad

I thought May would be loaded up with crazy end-of-year stuff, especially with Maya finishing elementary school this year, but I wasn’t prepared for the bonkers nature of getting kids to all the right places while still doing my job that has happened so far in June. And that is how June is over, and I’m trying to reassemble in my brain what transpired in May!

Looking back at my photos, it apparently started with a skunk. We fill a couple feeders with bird seed mix, another with suet, and another with hummingbird nectar. We also have a little ground feeder that we fill with things the squirrels will enjoy (which does very little to alleviate how much time they spend at the bird feeders, in case anyone was curious).

The ground feeder attracts more than just squirrels though. We sometimes see raccoons, the occasional opossum, and sometimes little gray foxes. But for the first time I’m aware of, we had a skunk at the ground feeder. It was early in the morning, probably just before sunrise, so it was pretty dark, and we left the lights off in the kitchen, so we didn’t alarm it and potentially cause it to spray. It didn’t linger too long and as far as I know, hasn’t been back since. It was a beautiful creature, and since it didn’t stink up the back yard, I’m glad we got to see it.

Maya at her art exhibition, showing us her octopus sculpture

The graduating 5th grader festivities started early in the month. Already on the 3rd, we were invited to attend a fine arts exhibition. Maya had made many lovely pieces of art throughout the year, but my favorite (other than her self portrait) was her octopus sculpture. An octopus mom and a couple of babies are rendered in clay, and while future marine biologist Maya knows this wouldn’t really happen in the great blue sea, it’s perfectly fine for her sweet heart and vivid imagination to produce an artistic rendering of a happy octopus family.

Ian assured me that he could apply his own sunscreen

We spent time in May also making sure Ian had finished all his cub scout requirements so he could achieve his bear rank by the end of the year. One of his adventures involved him helping to prepare a meal. Ian likes being in the kitchen and inventing recipes, so he did one better and made his own ramen recipe. It was thankfully an uncomplicated recipe, using ramen noodles we already had, chicken bouillon, some grated garlic, and some freshly cut herbs from the back yard. Everyone who tried it loved it, so I think we can count that as a win for cub scout chef Ian.

In weird bug sightings (of which we have a few), I found a neat moth on a pile of fresh tree trimmings that I was breaking down to set out for pickup. Turns out, it was a Fiery Skipper (Hylephila phyleus).

Ian brought home his own clay art from school as well. He took something dear to his heart and rendered it in clay – sushi rolls!

Mother’s Day

Because everything else was so bonkers, we tried to keep Mother’s Day low key. Maya had a piano recital, so that was nice, and afterward we stopped by Dairy Queen for ice cream. We ate dinner, opened presents, and generally celebrated quietly.

Mid-month, we bit the bullet and got Maya a smart phone. As she transitions to middle school, we’d like her to try to keep track of her friends. And she’s shown us that she’s trying to be more responsible with her things, so we’re diving in and hoping for the best. So far, she’s not super into the texting, treating it more like a mini-ipad, it seems. Time will tell whether this has been a good choice or a poor choice, but regardless, she is delighted.

Ian’s last cub scout meeting of the year was at Walnut Creek Park and featured a very nice map reading exercise. Ian ditched us with a quickness to hang with his friend Malcolm instead, so mostly it was Maya, Sean and me doing our own map reading. He did ultimately achieve his bear rank in cub scouts, was rewarded for his fundraising popcorn sales in the fall, and ate waaaay too much watermelon.

Our now sixth-grader, saying goodbye to elementary school, feeling all the emotions

Thursday, the 23rd was the kids’ last day of school, and Maya’s last day of elementary school ever, something she’d been stewing over off and on for a few weeks. That morning, we attended a 5th grade awards ceremony and talent show. Maya won a ton of awards and performed brilliantly at the piano for her talent. She seemed annoyed at the attention but otherwise was holding it together pretty well, I think.

That afternoon, we went back to school to watch the fifth graders’ last walk. This was definitely tougher for Maya. She was legit finally leaving all the teachers she loved. Maya is very excited about middle school, but distraught over the fact that she won’t see her favorite teachers again and that some of her friends will be going to different schools than her. Happy sad is how we refer to the concept of “bittersweet,” using it in describing the ends of vacations, elementary to middle school transitions, and the music of The Cure. She was in tears by the end.

The very next day, Sean and I worked, and then hastily packed our bags and headed out the door to drive partway to Missouri! Our stop for the evening was McAlester, OK. Here was our plan: finish up work as early as possible and hit the road by 4p. Here’s what actually happened: while folding laundry, poor Sean half removed his right big toe nail in catching it on part of our bed. He wound up going to urgent care just to make sure everything was ok, and consequently he was late finishing work. We weren’t on the road till 6. Then, just north of the I-35 east / west split, some terrible accident completely stopped traffic for at least an hour and a half, maybe longer. With all the delays, we rolled into McAlester around 2 in the morning.

We slept in a little the next morning and wound up hitting the road by around 11. Except for a little hitch driving through the Oklahoma turnpike (heads up, it’s cash only), the drive was easy going.

The plan for this trip was the spend a couple days seeing St Louis with the kids before driving to Grammy and Grandpa’s house to visit for a few days. We arrived at our St Louis hotel around 6 that evening, and the kids wasted no time whatsoever getting into the hotel pool. It had been so hot in Texas already, that I didn’t even think about the fact that this outdoor pool in Missouri probably hadn’t had a chance to warm up yet. Ian tried his best, but I think it was too cold for him. He didn’t swim for too long before he was wrapped in a towel and stretched out on a chaise. Maya, of course, was unfazed. Sean and I had a lovely time sitting in the lightly breezy 80 degree weather and doing very little for a brief period.

Interior at The Cheshire

We elected to stay in a hotel with character for this little vacation. The Cheshire did not disappoint. They have what they call an “authentic British-inspired aesthetic,” and I suppose I can get behind that. Tudor architecture, pretty stained glass, and intricately carved benches greet a person upon entry. Further in, a giant stuffed bear (who the kids noticed had been relieved of a few claws) beckoned you further. The hallways and rooms were well decorated and each of the rooms is named for a different British writer, playwright, or poet – we stayed in the John Buchan room.

Maya and Ian were delighted with their mocktails at Fox and Hounds

We kept things simple that evening and just had dinner in the onsite Fox and Hounds pub. The bar staff were solid – I observed practiced hands, an economy of movement, and zero skimping on the details. Plus they were friendly. They didn’t bat an eye when we asked if they’d make mocktails for the kids. And the grown-ups’ well-fortified drinks were lovely as well. We enjoyed our food well enough, especially Sean, who had wisely ordered the shepherd’s pie.

We were staying within walking distance of the St Louis Zoo and thought we might walk over that first morning if the weather cooperated. It didn’t. We woke up to rain and thunder, so instead we took it slow. We lingered over the Cheshire’s excellent breakfast buffet, sipped our coffee, wandered around a bit and let Maya take some photos to send to a friend.

Maybe they are slowly learning to love the record store

Once the rain died down, we wandered in the area a bit. We visited Vintage Vinyl, a favorite record store that we’d hit from time to time during our college years. Maya and Ian were, of course, bored. I showed Ian the artist how interesting some of the covers were for the metal and hard rock albums, figuring especially any Iron Maiden cover art would likely appeal to him. For Maya, we wandered around and talked about different genres of music and how much she did or didn’t know about them. She explained that she’d like to learn more about jazz, so we flipped through the albums in that part of the store. Ian left with a new Van Halen record and Maya decided to try out one by John Coltrane.

We wandered Delmar St a little while, took in the brass stars, saw Blueberry Hill, and lamented the fact that apparently our favorite arthouse movie theatre, the Tivoli, had become a church. At the kids’ request, we popped into a bookstore and looked around a little before finally shuffling off to lunch at Imo’s. The pizza and toasted ravs were every bit as good as they always are. We had thought to try a different place for once, but the other recommended toasted ravioli spots were closed. Next time.

City Museum, particularly the roof

That afternoon’s big deal activity was the City Museum. I won’t lie – getting the kids to this place was at least half of why I thought it would be fun to tack a couple of St Louis days onto our Grammy and Grandpa visit. This place defies explanation. It’s like a giant art installation that you can climb on and in and around. They purposely won’t make a map of this place, encouraging visitors to get lost. Housed in a former shoe warehouse, this place has tubes and caves and a castle and lizards and a 5-story slide and a 10-story slide and axolotls and a cantilevered bus and a giant metal praying mantis and a ferris wheel on the roof and and and AND. It was amazing and I think Ian would live there if you let him.

Maya getting brave with her climbing – this is out of her norm; we were very proud of her

Sean and I didn’t even try to keep up. We attempted to make a point of laying eyes on the kids every so often, but it was all but hopeless. The kids are 9 and 11, and I’m not sure I’d have been okay with bringing them there at any younger age than they are. Their age is just about perfect though – they could get themselves into a little trouble, get themselves out of trouble, and explore their physical and mental limits. Sean and I tried to climb around in the rebar structures a little bit, but my back is just too damaged for me to be as mobile as I might like.

Ian was utterly fearless.

Were I to do it again (and believe you me, Ian very badly wants to), I’d equip both kids with wrist watches and have a designated place for us to meet about once an hour. Even as it was, I managed to not stress too badly right up until the tornado warning came through. The sky had turned a stormy blue-black, which isn’t all that out of the ordinary in the midwest. And then they started telling all of us to go to the lowest floor and shelter in the caves. I’m not kidding. It took us a while to find the kids and get them sheltered and by the time we did so, the danger had more or less passed. We didn’t spend too long in the caves before we were back to wandering. The only sad part about the unexpected afternoon rain is that there was one more outdoor area that we didn’t get to explore. Given that, Ian will probably see his wish to go back to the City Museum granted.

We saw sea creatures, reptiles, art, and mayhem. We were undersea, in caves, and in a school bus cantilevered off the edge of the building. The kids rode multi-story slides, climbed rebar tubes, and clearly tested their mettle. We left exhausted and still needing more time. It was an excellent visit.

We ended our evening at the Old Spaghetti Factory wearing funny hats, making origami for the waitstaff, and eating pasta doused in brown butter and mizithra cheese – a pleasant and nostalgic end to a busy day.

After breakfast at the hotel, we started our next day at the Gateway Arch. We failed to reserve parking ahead of time, but it wound up not mattering because that area was nearly a ghost town on Memorial Day. We managed to park on the street.

Gateway Arch

At 630 feet tall, the Arch is considered the nation’s tallest monument. It has a stainless steel structure, was designed by architect Eero Saarinen, and was completed in 1965.

Cool view from the top of the Arch

We puttered in the museum trying to get the kids excited about catenary curves and rotating ride capsules until our designated tram time. Ian, who has ridden all manner of ridiculous roller coasters and thrill rides, seemed apprehensive about going up inside the Arch. Maybe it’s because we kept describing the tram system as “unique” and “one of a kind.”

Things have changed since I was a kid. They now have the two sides of the Arch separated, so once you’re at the top, you’re only on one side of it. Also, you’re limited to ten minutes before you have to go back down. It wasn’t bad, but it did feel a bit rushed. Still the kids got a huge kick out of it, and it was fun for Sean and I to experience it again.

Woodses at the Arch

If I remember correctly, the ride up takes 4.5 minutes, the ride down, only 3.5. Safely deposited at the bottom, we hit the gift shop, walked the riverfront a little bit, took about a billion photos, and then headed back to the car.

We had a quick lunch at a White Castle in Eureka and then it was off to Six Flags St Louis! The kids love amusement parks, so this year, we had sprung for a season pass and have thus far made very good use of it as a fun add on to our vacations.

We even made it to Six Flags

We had been seeing posts from our Missouri friends talking about the invasion of the cicadas. Evidently the 13-year cicadas and the 17-year cicadas managed to emerge at the same time for the first time since 1803. We hadn’t really noticed too much in the heart of St Louis, but out in Eureka, it the buzzing of the cicadas was deafening – as in, the roar of the roller coasters was somewhat muffled for all the noise the cicadas were making. They would occasionally pop into our faces or hitch brief rides on our t-shirts, but other than the possible hearing damage, they weren’t too bad, at least for us.

We managed to hit a number of rides, but still had a few we hoped to ride or re-ride before we left when our beautiful, sunny, 80-degree day suddenly turned dark and rainy! It wasn’t in the forecast (at least not that we noticed), so we were completely unprepared for it.

The rides had shut down in the rain, and it was getting on toward dinner time, so we met up with our friend Matt at Dewey’s Pizza. The food was outstanding and it was nice to sit and have a beer and catch up a little. We let Maya and Ian chill out and watch videos on Maya’s phone, so everyone got to relax a little bit.

After dinner, we drove down to Friedheim to Grammy and Grandpa’s house, rolling in around 10:00 that night – another long and fun-filled day!

The kids caught so many frogs at Grammy and Grandpa’s pond

To conserve vacation time and to get out of the way and let Grandparents and Grandkids spend time together, Sean and I worked for the next few days. Connectivity was a little dicey, but otherwise, it worked out pretty well. We got some of our work done and the kids had quality time with Grammy and Grandpa. That first day, after spending a morning spent catching frogs, they had lunch out and went to the Cape Splash Family Aquatic Center to play on water slides for the afternoon.

Happy anniversary! 24 years.

That evening, we all went have dinner at The Pub. The couple times we’ve gone, the food has been great and everyone is so friendly there. Plus, this time we got to sit in the nonsmoking section, much to Maya’s relief. Not a terrible way to celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary! Also, Grammy made a dessert for us, and even decorated it!

The next day – Wednesday – while Sean and I worked, Grammy and Grandpa took the kids to Hoeckele’s Bakery to choose some breakfast doughnuts. They spent the afternoon at a trampoline park. It was funny too. Sean and I were working so we weren’t paying the best attention to what was going on around us, and at some point, we noticed it was really quiet. They had all just gone. It was amazing!

Ian had been saving up his quarters for this vacation with the specific goal of going to Circle U and spending some money in the video games there, so that evening, that’s exactly what we did. This is where Ian wanted to order shoestring fries, but because of what his eyes were seeing on his soda cup, he kept referring to them as horseshoe fries. I even slipped up and called them that once. It sounds kinda dumb now, but at the time, it was hilarious.

Kernel the turtle

The kids, Maya especially, spent a lot of time on this trip hanging out by the pond, catching critters. They caught sooooo many little frogs in various stages of tail loss. Somewhere along the line Thursday morning, Ian came bursting into the office where Sean and I were working and said with breathless delight, “Mom, come look. We caught a turtle!”

Sure enough, they had the prettiest little turtle. In doing some research (and getting a second opinion), we believe it’s a Western Painted Turtle. The kids, especially Ian, wanted very badly to keep it. He set up a really nice little plastic bin for it, complete with water and food and spent lots of time checking on it. He named it “Kernel” – who knows why.

Ice cream!

Anyhow, I did some looking. Those little guys can live 40 years or more, and if you want to care for them properly in captivity, you need something like a 100 gallon enclosure with dry areas and wet areas and dark places to sleep and places that replicate daylight with special lamps, and on and on and on. We all agreed that Kernel would live his best life right out there at that pond. They spent the day enjoying Kernel – he even slept in the basement that night, tucked away in his plastic bin, so he’d be “safe.”

Ian and Grammy, down by the pond

That afternoon my siblings and their spouses and children all came to the house and we had a spectacular visit during which I didn’t have the presence of mind to take too many photos. Uncle Jade caught a whopper of a fish. Maya and Lily played in the pond. And Ian played with, well, everyone. Henry, who is now 15 (!!!) and learning to drive, practiced a bit in the side-by-side.

Really lovely photo of a ruby-throated hummingbird

The next day, our last day in Missouri, we mostly hung out around the house. Sean worked, but I went ahead and took the day off to hang out a little bit before we left. Grammy and Grandpa have TONS of different kinds of bird feeders lining their deck. Plus the pond attracts lots of water birds. I had been having fun watching birds during downtime here and there. We saw goldfinches and red-winged blackbirds and both red-bellied and red-headed woodpeckers. Add to that the ruby-throated hummingbirds fighting endlessly over the feeders.

Maya and Grandpa, just before we left

But nothing tops the bald eagle that came to visit the pond. On our last day, we saw it do several flybys before finally swooping down to grab a catfish from the pond. We watched the bird struggle a bit to get it to shore, but once it did, it tore into that fish. After the eagle left, we walked down to find what was left of a decent-sized catfish.

That evening, we packed up and drove about halfway home. That’s how we closed out our month of May, halfway between Friedheim and Austin. I don’t recall the trip home being at all remarkable. During the driving parts of this vacation, we introduced the kids to the Myth series by Robert Asprin by listening to the “Another Fine Myth” audiobook with them. They seemed to like it, and listening to an audiobook has been a nice way to break up their screen time during the long drives.